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[api reference]

Log first, ask questions later.

noko is a numerical logging library designed for logging as many variables at once on as many timescales as possible.

The prototypical use case for noko is the following:

noko.log_row("grad_step", locals(), level=noko.TRACE)

Which would produce a log file "grad_step.csv", with information on all local variables at every gradient step.

State of the Library

noko is quite useful already, but I'm continuing to refine the API, add new features as I find need of them, and fix bugs as I encounter them.

If you use the library at this time, you should expect API churn, so depend on a specific version.

The current recommended install method is:

pip install "noko[recommended]==0.3.1"

You can also install directly from github:

pip install "git+[email protected]#egg=noko[recommended]"

The recommended extra adds packages that can be easily installed and support useful but optional features:

  • GitPython is used for the create_git_checkpoint option and the noko.noko_git.checkpoint_repo() function.

  • pyarrow is used by the noko.arrow_output.ArrowOutputEngine to log to parquet files. Note that this backend is not added to the logger by default.

  • tensorboardX is used by noko.tb_output.TensorBoardOutput to log to tensorboard. noko can also used the tensorboard packages in torch.utils and tf.summary. By default this backend is added to the logger.

Key Idea

Most numerical logging libraries expect you to log one key at a time. noko instead expects you to log one "row" at a time, into a named "table". In the above example, the table is named "grad_step", and the row is all local variables.

noko will then go through all values in the row, and determine how to summarize them. For example, it will summarize a pytorch neural network using the min, max, mean, and std of each parameter, as well as those values for the gradient of each parameter (if available).

Once summarized, noko outputs that row to all noko backends that have a log level at least as sensitive as the provided level.


Always available:

  • newline delimited json (.ndjson)
  • comma separated values (.csv)
  • pprint (usually only used for stdout)

Requires optional dependencies:

  • tensorboard (will use torch.utils.tensorboard or tensorboardX or tf.summary)
  • parquet (requires pyarrow)

Row Summarization

noko runs a preprocessing step on each provided row before logging it. This pre-process is typically lossy, and summarizes large input arrays into a few scalars. This is necessary to be able to log all local variables, and is an unavoidable trade-off of noko's design. If you want to be able to exactly recover a value passed to noko, format it to a str or bytes first, and use the csv, ndjson, or parquet backends.

For built-in datatypes (dictionaries, lists, tuples), preprocessing runs recursively. For commonly used numerical libraries (numpy, pytorch), there are adapter modules to summarize common datatypes.

If you want your type to be flattened, you can define a custom summarizer. The standard way to do this is to use declare_summarizer, which can be used without modifying the source for the particular type being summarized.

Example of summarizing a custom type "MyPoint":

from noko import declare_summarizer, summarize, ScalarTypes

def summarize_mypoint(point, prefix: str, dst: dict[str, ScalarTypes]):
    # Include x and y fields directly
    dst[f"{prefix}.x"] = point.x
    dst[f"{prefix}.y"] = point.y
    # Recursively summarize metadata
    summarize(point.metadata, f"{prefix}.metadata", dst)

Sometimes you may have local variables that don't make sense to log in noko (e.g. long lists). In that case the recommended pattern is:

row = locals()
del row["my_long_list"]
noko.log_row("my_locals", row)

Extra Utilities

noko has some other useful tricks for reproducibility which can be accessed via calling noko.init_extra().

These include:

  • wandb sync and config logging (if wandb is installed).
  • automatically setting the global seed values for most libraries if present in the config
  • automatically creating a git commit of the current code on a separate branch noko-checkpoints, and adding diffs using that checkpoint to the log directory (requires GitPython to be installed).


Log first, ask questions later.







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