1.1.0 (2024-01-13)
Bug Fixes
--quiet isn't quiet (764ef0a )
-y to accept defaults (9280bfc )
2nd param is dest, not flags, null to infer destination though (6db1ca8 )
a change in build scripts should cause a full rebuild (4e3da47 )
add commit linting (141820a )
add linebreak (4712a1f )
add other settings (f520994 )
add placeholder for env variable (4bb5340 )
add update script (bb08a31 )
add update-name script (57e5023 )
add user (4e414de )
added missing data (230c651 )
added npm to dependabot (f99a1cb )
added rust-toolchain, symlinked to rust-toolchain.toml (cac0b9a )
added skip-tags to prevent it from pushing tags (3806f32 )
allow disable container retagging (8e39b39 )
allow for building / not building docker container (9a91217 )
allow overrides (33769f0 )
allow uninlined format args (203df05 )
alltargets for tarpaulin (3ba7006 )
also do RUST_BACKTRACE=full for debugging (fde9619 )
also keep tests (a746b08 )
arguments go into an array (9c6ff93 )
ascii idents only to prevent idents starting with characters my keyboard can't handle (0b7f646 )
aspiring comments (791bbed )
auto dependabot merge (cdc772a )
better defaults (0c8b4a7 )
binstall now wants stuff with a capital (4e862db )
build all with tests too (2fdf062 )
bumped rust version (c84b022 )
capture the rest, not the value called 'rest' (222ef7c )
centralized names (2e2345b )
cleanup (80a9dda )
code climate test reporter (9c58b72 )
comment indent (aff7168 )
comment out nightly function, add match | (d0c9366 )
consolidate clippy & rust config on top of main, all the rest causes duplication (e158e41 )
correct cocogitto again with binstall (6d58aa7 )
corrected build dependencies, all-done work be a success if docker-build failed (ee3789d )
corrected environment variable (40527e4 )
corrected library usage (ed8e289 )
corrected title (b3b0cb6 )
Coveralls as CodeCov keeps on failing (fab1710 )
create reports directory, otherwise tool complains (15ef2e8 )
default is to use color-eyre (9ec7951 )
deny stuff, nobody reads warnings (20a9980 )
don't copy paste (d9ed65e )
don't fail tarpaulin when a test fails (b065efa )
don't require reviews (921c419 )
don't retag when we don't build a container (fe1a006 )
don't show progress (2be0887 )
don't try extract bz2 as gzip (edd13c8 )
download binstall to /tmp to avoid additional untracked files (eb3d325 )
download grcov from releases, WAY faster (9a8c19b )
dry run still verifies push permissions (57b2cde )
editorconfig settings for shell files (72d74b7 )
ensure we're logged in to use the registry cache (994a73c )
env -> vars (a4ef4d5 )
even dry-run wants a token (a1349fc )
fake commit (80eec6e )
filename was wrong + comment update + rust-version bump (4371418 )
filter out lcov (60e9e4e )
fix for too much action... (8256387 )
fix new version (ef697ab )
fix schema (2363092 )
fixed wrong needs name (977e159 )
force signed commits (9c408fd )
forgot .rest (2cb78e7 )
forgot to put back line to add SHA to $env (5e2a12a )
formatting (f71fbed )
formatting (a6c47ee )
get application name automatically (5f71149 )
getting toolchain file to work (15ae1ab )
google -> probot (23ac95c )
grcov intstead of tarpaulin (d8f1fe1 )
group imports (a561eab )
hack version (?) (58ff338 )
handle script dependency (54be1b9 )
ignore merge commit linting (314180a )
infer components from rust-toolchain.toml (e8aa97d )
initialize otherwise EXITCODE is not set on success, and then it still fails 😅 (6658ea7 )
install llvm tools (3d5b63b )
install tarpaulin from source (9f1966c )
instrument coverage is stable! (cd2a8e6 )
leverage setup-node's ability to read from .nvmrc (f78dc4c )
lock down sha256 of docker images (659aadd )
lock down with version and digest (ea6cda5 )
locked node version (5a7acea )
lowercase package fmt (d464837 )
make BUILD_DOCKER_CONTAINER configurable from variables (5ab39f5 )
make clippy more annoying (af9bc12 )
merge steps for testbased coverage (a7b74e1 )
merged configuration into 1 (db6004a )
missing package (a20bc10 )
mixed up config name order (6976f89 )
more formatting enforcement (4825d45 )
move semantic-release config file as per (e77b9d1 )
no leading pipes (1010233 )
no need to bring in action just for this (faa92dc )
npm cleanup (12b30b3 )
pin clippy (bd33a24 )
prevent cog throwing an error which causes script termination (a0e6468 )
quotes (91c129c )
rebuild when NPM packages change (43b4a7f )
reduce docker tag complexity (d187184 )
reduced complexity tied to semantic release because cog doesn't need it (21ed988 )
reduced parent^2 detection complexity (2fab698 )
remove be (21d027b )
remove cache exclusion (baee94e )
remove dependency on build to run on main (0a6b0c6 )
remove duplicated login (03eeddf )
remove fixes (e90953e )
remove unneeded newline (4a3fe57 )
remove version, doesn't work for container > image (2ef1e88 )
removed needs for docker-build to allow parallel operation (64986f6 )
removed spaces (15a0f18 )
removed submodules, going direct (2e2a71c )
removed unneeded linting file (7a6b3ed )
renamed for clarity (319817f )
renamed step name (a7044ff )
reordered cache restore and toolchain setup (5f08e37 )
reran npm install with npm 8 to update package-lock (2f51f25 )
restored packages configuration (506eac8 )
see if we can cache the whole .cargo directory (54d824f )
semgrep from container (de3c82d )
separate before and after cache (82f9775 )
set code climate filter (e171505 )
set correct nextest config (2447503 )
set git user and email so that cog bump works (01efb04 )
set latest tag (1870e1d )
set maximum backtrace (cd44fe2 )
set permissions (d3c9dcf )
set rangeStrategy (752da2c )
set tag & sha256 (7b6e267 )
set the correct tag (273291f )
set the right user (c82af71 )
set the right variable (18978f8 )
set up toolchain manually (f5f92d6 )
set-output is deprecated (8b69dd4 )
settings (769ba7d )
simplified tags (5c2e4f9 )
snake in comments is causing parsing failures (69d278d )
specify version, Renovate will pin it (2a44ecb )
split build and push for faster overall times (83d504e )
switch to auto config (71ec2d9 )
switch to editorconfig (02402b7 )
switched to fixed commits for actions (2bd59a8 )
synced tool invocation parameters (8417c23 )
tag -> sha (7be092d )
the world is ok (b9c1196 )
toUpper() (81ba43c )
trace for all, not just the app (e92d8c0 )
trace for run and test (57bb0f1 )
try centralized renovate config (973829b )
try coveralls (2e06476 )
try coveralls (d7196c5 )
try with profile and toolchain specified here (05991b7 )
typo in env variable (d4e47fa )
unset rangeStrategy, move to the renovate base config (2dae343 )
update rules (db556a8 )
updated cache ids (75f6e51 )
updated cargo cache to use tilde again (e650509 )
updated concurrency key (eda182b )
updated to 2021 edition (cee0bd0 )
use built-in rustup (1b2d13b )
use cocogitto bump, and support no new version generated (68a37df )
use correct subcommand (96fa7aa )
use environment variable to get cargo location (c57b6db )
use up to date action (47190c9 )
variable correction (7e0baaa )
we don't use .idea config (4d22e96 )
workflow_dispatch does not take a branch (7cb9b28 )
yeet code climate (0ff8087 )
You can’t perform that action at this time.