Hello! 👋 I'm Kendra Oudyk
Git and GitHub are key tools for doing version control in both academia and industry. These tools can help researchers do more efficient, open, and reproducible work. In this material, we cover these topics:
- What is distributed version control?
- Why has it become so important in science and industry?;
- How to track your own work using Git; and
- How to share your work and collaborate with GitHub.
Here is my pre-recorded lecture (slides) that goes over the topics listed above.
For this tutorial, you'll need
- To have watched the pre-recorded lecture
- A Bash shell
- The version control system Git
- A text editor you’re comfortable with
- A GitHub account.
- A modern browser
Before class, please follow the installation instructions to make sure you have all these requirements.
Many parts of these material are inspired / based on these great resources:
Chacon, S., & Straub, B. (2014). Pro git. Springer Nature. Available at https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2
The Carpentries. (2021). Version Control with Git. https://swcarpentry.github.io/git-novice/