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Codes used to perform analyses in the Chromosight publication

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Codes developped for the analyses presented in the Chromosight paper

This repository contains instructions to reproduce the different figures and results from our paper, Computer vision for pattern detection in chromosome contact maps by Cyril Matthey-Doret et al., which showcases its signature program, chromosight. See also the official documentation of the program, complete with demos and tutorials for your own use cases.

Table of contents



Chromosight is designed to run on UNIX-like environments (e.g. Linux, OS X, Windows Subsystems for Linux, etc.) and has been tested on Ubuntu >= 14.10. It is entirely written in Python 3.6 with no planned support for earlier versions, including Python 2. The version used in the preprint is 1.1.2 and is installable from PyPI or conda:

python3 -m pip install --user chromosight


conda install -c bioconda chromosight

Python packages

If for some reason you need to install chromosight manually (without using pip or conda), then the following packages are required (from requirements.txt):

  • cooler
  • docopt
  • jsonschema
  • matplotlib
  • numpy
  • scikit-learn
  • scipy>= 1.3

External programs

In order to pull Hi-C data from the SRA and perform the alignment to generate the contact maps, you will need the following programs (directly available on the Ubuntu repositories):

Data extraction

FASTQ reads are available on SRA servers. They can be pulled and split pairwise with the following command:

fasterq-dump --split-3 SRR1514669 -O .

Generation of simulated data

In order to carry out a test bench of our algorithm and also to be able to compare its performance with other methods, we generated simulated contact maps containing loops and domains. These contact maps are based on the statistical features of contact maps of S.Cerevisiae yeast. The principle is that the general characteristics of the experimental map should be found in the simulated maps. For this, the frequency of contact as a function of genomic distance, the number of chromosomal domains, the presence of loops must be as close as possible to the experimental data so that it is difficult for an eye to tell the difference. The algorithm calculates these different signals from experimental and recreate data with similar properties. The loops and borders are positioned by multiplying by the corresponding pattern. A contact probability map is constructed from which the contacts are drawn respecting the number of reads of the experiment.


This section contains the command lines and scripts used to generate figures from the manuscript. Contact data (cool files) and BED files used in the manuscript can be dowloaded on zenodo doi:10.5281/zenodo.3742094

Fig. 1

Benchmark input and output data, as well as the code used, are archived and documented in the Zenodo entry.

Fig. 2

Generally speaking, the chromosight parameters used for loop detection in figure 2 are the following:

Saccharomyces cerevisiae, M phase

chromosight detect --pattern=loops_small \
                   --min-dist 5000 \
                   --max-dist 200000 \
                   --perc-undetected=10 \

Saccharomyces cerevisiae, G1 phase

chromosight detect --pattern=loops_small \
                   --min-dist 5000 \
                   --max-dist 200000 \
                   --perc-undetected=50 \
                   --perc-zero=10 \

Schizosaccharomyces pombe

chromosight detect --pattern=loops_small \
                   --pearson=0.4 \
                   --min-dist 5000 \
                   --max-dist 200000 \

For comparison of the number of loops detected in G1 and M phase, both matrices have been subsampled to the same number of contacts. The whole process, along with the generation of the Venn diagram in figure 2c is streamlined in bash script, which can be used as follows:

bash mitotic G1

Fig. 3


Loop detection in human matrices were done with the following commands:

chromosight detect --pattern=loops_small \
                   --min-dist=15000 \
                   --max-dist=2000000 \

chromosight detect --pattern=borders \
                   --pearson=0.4 \

chromosight detect --pattern=hairpins \
                   --pearson=0.4 \

Bacillus subtilis

chromosight detect --pearson=0.3 \
                   --min-dist 12000 \
                   --max-dist 4300000 \
                   --perc-undetected=30 \

Epstein Barr Virus (EBV)

chromosight detect --pattern=loops \
                   --min-dist=7000 \
                   --perc-undetected=30  \
                   --perc-zero=30 \

Fig. 4

The following command was used for detection of loops in other protocols than Hi-C.

chromosight detect --pattern=loops_small \
                   --threads=10 \
                   --min-dist=15000 \
                   --max-dist=2000000 \
                   4DNFI81RQ431.mcool::/resolutions/10000 \

Fig. 5

Below are the commands required to interactively pick inter-telomeric coordinates from the S. cerevisiae contact map, generate for custom kernel generation, ans use the resulting kernel for detection on the C. albicans contact map. Both contact maps are available in the zenodo entry.

Candida Albicans


# Interactively pick 5-10 centros from S. cerevisiae
# Note the grep and sed commands capture the standard output (coords of clicks)
# and send them to a file. They are only required to show each individual window on the figure
chromosight generate-config --n-mads 15 \
                            --click "$sc_map" \
                            --win-size 41 \
                            -e centromeres sc_centro \
  | grep "^x = " \
  | sed 's/[xy] \?= //g' \
  | sed 's/, /\t/' \
  > input_coords.tsv

# De novo centromere detection on C. albicans using kernel built from S. cerevisiae
chromosight detect -p0.7 \
                  --n-mads 15 \
                  -t12 \
                  --kernel-config sc_centro.json \
                  --inter "$ca_map" \

# Plot both Hi-C maps. Scer with the click coordinates and Calb with the detected regions
python "$sc_map" \
                          "$ca_map" \
                          input_coords.tsv \

The script is in the python_codes directory.

Supplementary figures

Computation and visualisation of Loop spectrum

To generate possible pairs from bed files you can use:

bedtools window -a rad21_hg38_top4000.bed \
                -b rad21_hg38_top4000.bed \
                -w $MAXDIST \
    | awk -vmd=$MINDIST '$1 == $4 && ($5 - $2) >= md {print}' \
    | sort -k1,1 -k2,2n -k4,4 -k5,5n \
    > rad21_hg38_top4000_comb_10kb_1mb.bed2d

We then quantified the loop signals for different pairs of cohesin peaks using quantification mode of chromosight:

chromosight quantify --pattern=loops \
                      --perc-zero=100 \
                      --perc-undetected=100 \
                      rad21_hg38_comb_10kb_1mb.bed2d \
                      4DNFIMH3J7RW.mcool::/resolutions/10000 4DNFIMH3J7RW_10kb_rad21_hg38_comb_10kb_1mb_loops

We then use the python code to compute the lowess signal from the scatter plot of the loop scores versus distances between peaks of cohesin and create the corresponding plot.

Comparison of loop calls around CTCF across loop callers

Loops are detected on GSE63525_GM12878_insitu_primary, from Rao et al. 2014. The contact data and HiCCUPS calls were retrieved from the GEO entry.

The contact data is only availabl in hic format, which can be converted to mcool using hic2cool

For other loop callers, loops were detected with default parameters at 10kb resolution. Output calls available in the GSE63525_loop_calls folder of the processed_files.tar.gz tarball of the zenodo entry:

hicDetectLoops --matrix "$COOL" --outFileName hicexplorer/hicexplorer_loops
cooltools compute-expected -p 4 -o cooltools/cooltools_expected.tsv "$COOL"
cooltools call-dots "$COOL" cooltools/cooltools_expected.tsv -o cooltools/cooltools_loops.tsv
chromosight detect "$COOL" chromosight/chromosight_loops_small_GSE63525

The output calls when then visualized using python The script is available in the python_codes directory.

Comparison of loop calls genome wide across loop callers

Note: all files required for this section are available in the GSE63525_loop_calls directory in the processed_files.tar.gz archive of the zenodo record.

The output from the 4 commands above were used. The script also generates a coordinate file for each software named "<software_coords>". Those files all have the same format: two tab-separated columns corresponding to the row and column coordinates of loops detected with the software. Thos coordinates files can be fed as input to the script as follows:

Note: This script requires the python package upsetplot, which can be installed using pip.

python chromosight/chromosight_coords cooltools/cooltools_coords hicexplorer/hicexplorer_coords hiccups/hiccups_coords This script finds the common loops found by every combination of softwares, allowing an arbitrary jitter for each pattern (+/- 1pixel by default). It prints the table with loop counts for each combination, and display an upsetplot.

To compute the overlap between CTCF peaks and the loop calls from each software, we used the script Note the first argument is used as the reference set (here, ChIP-seq):

python \
       ctcf_chipseq/ctcf_hg19_comb_10kb_2mb_coords \
       chromosight/chromosight_coords \
       hicexplorer/hicexplorer_coords \
       hiccups/hiccups_coords \


Codes used to perform analyses in the Chromosight publication






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