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Mikhail Korolev edited this page Jul 8, 2019 · 7 revisions

MetaData fully describes all parts of QVD file.

Logically we can divide MetaData into

  • general information about the table (dates, filename, software version, etc.)
  • technical information about the table (name, number of rows, rows table offset, bit index width, etc)
  • technical information about each table column (name, number of unique values, symbol table offset, etc)

MetaData are represented as XML (utf-8 text) enclosed into "QvdTableHeader" tags. There might be several "white space symbols" between MetaData section and binary section, they should be ignored. White symbols which I found were:

  • 0: zero byte
  • \n: line break
  • \r: carriage return

Most important metadata elements are described in the following sections. Metadata examples are included in examples directory: XML files there contain metadata section of corresponding QVD file.

General Metadata

Metadata here and below is described in the form "tag: meaning". There are no metadata sections as such (except for columns section - it is surrounded by tags, see below).

Tags of interest in general section:

CreatorDoc: name of QVW file which script has produced this QVD (might be empty...)

CreateUTCTime: creation timestamp

QVBuildNo: QlikView build version

Comments: table comments (usually empty)

Lineage: script statements which produced this QVD (this should be switched on in QlikView settings otherwise will be empty). When not empty provides a lot of information about the table!

Table metadata

TableName: name of the source relational table

RecordByteSize: size of the row in the rows table (in bytes)

NoOfRecords: number of records in the source table and in the rows table

Offset: offset of the rows table (from the beginning of the binary section)

Length: length of the rows table in bytes

Columns metadata

Columns metadata are contained in "Fields" array, each column is enclosed into "QvdFieldHeader" tag. Each column has following important tags:

FieldName: name of the column in the source table

Offset: offset of the symbol table (from the beginning of the binary section, first symbol table will have offset 0)

NoOfSymbols: number of unique column values

Length: length of the symbol table in bytes

BitOffset, BitWidth, Bias: are related to the rows table and are described in rows page.

There are other tags in the columns metedata (like Type, Fmt, etc.) - none of them can be used in the data extraction process. So I can say nothing about their meaning.

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