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Chicon runner

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This runner is part of the Chicon project and performs code scans in containers based on Chicon scheduler requests. The runner is written in Rust and uses rootless nerdctl for secure container management.


The following components are required in $PATH for the runner to work:

  • git - for repository managament
  • nerdctl with CNI plugins - for container management

The Chicon scheduler should be ready and reachable by the runner (by default, localhost:3000 will be used). Register a runner in the settings in order to obtain a runner token.

Getting started

Download the chicon-runner binary for Linux (Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian, ...). See the releases page for other binaries.

wget -O chicon-runner && chmod +x ./chicon-runner

Create a workspace directory named chicon-workspace. This directory will be managed by the runner and used for storing Git repositories.

mkdir chicon-workspace

Launch the runner with a CHICON_TOKEN environment variable

# The CHICON_TOKEN environment will be used to authenticate the runner
 export CHICON_TOKEN={runner token}

# Launch the runner
chicon-runner run

The runner should now be marked as active in the Chicon settings page.


The Chicon runner will try to build a configuration by performing a lookup process:

  • Find a file provided by the --config option
  • Find a /etc/chicon/runner.toml file
  • Find a ./runner.toml file
  • Build the default config (not recommended for production)

A complete reference of the Chicon configuration file can be found below.


# Workspace path for storing code - this should be an absolute
# path to an empty directory for optimal results.
# Default set to 'chicon-workspace' in current directory.
path = "/path/to/workspace"

# The workspace size - expressed in megabytes. When the directory
# reaches this size, a cleaning will be performed.
# Default set to 200Mb.
cache_limit = "20" # Mb

# Runner SSH key path for Git clone on private repositories.
# There are not defaults.
ssh_clone_key = "/home/user/.ssh/chicon-runner"


# Scheduler base URL (without protocols) for receiving commands.
# Default set to 'localhost:3000'.
base_url = "localhost:3000"

# Authentication token given by the scheduler when registering a
# new runner. It is recommended to use the CHICON_TOKEN environment
# variable instead for security concerns.
# Default set to CHICON_TOKEN environment variable.
token = "c3d43b6f-4d66-46cc-9215-bd59d5d133cd"

# Initial retry period for scheduler requests. This retry period
# will become longer based on the scale factor - until it reaches
# the scale limit set by the configuration.
# Default set to 5 seconds.
retry_period = 5 # Seconds

# Scale factor for request retry operations (the retry period will
# be multiplied by this value).
# Default set to 1.25.
retry_scale_factor = 1.25

# The retry limit to avoid infinite retries if the scheduler is down.
# Default set to 30 seconds.
retry_scale_limit = 30 # Seconds


# Namespace identifier for containerd. This namespace will be used
# to store images and containers. Avoid using 'moby' or ''.
# Default set to 'kb'
namespace = "kb"

How it works

A basic runner register process can be found below. The "User" represents an end-user with access to the Chicon control plane settings. The "Control" represents a running instance of the Chicon control plane & scheduler.

    participant User
    participant Control
    participant Runner
    participant Containerd
    User->>+Control: Register a new runner in settings
    activate Control
    Control-->>User: Receive token X
    deactivate Control
    Note over User,Control: User provides token X to the runner 
    Runner->>Control: Authenticate with token X
    activate Control
    Note over Control,Runner: Ready to receive scan requests
    Control->>Runner: Send scan request
    Runner->>Control: Fetch repository details
    Runner->>Control: Fetch function details
    Note over Runner,Containerd: The repository is a RO volume
    Runner->>Containerd: Perform scan
    Containerd-->>Runner: Function result & logs
    Runner-->>Control: Store scan results & issues
    deactivate Control

Scan request format

A scan request sent by the Chicon control plane is a websocket message in text format. Each message is prefixed with a version and the message components are delimited with ;.


In the v1 specification, a single repository identifier is given alongside function identifiers as a comma-separated list. The message does not contain the repository details and function definitions - the runner will fetch them later using his token and the control plane API.


Container security

The Chicon runner uses nerdctl - a CLI tool that performs requests on containerd and allow rootless containers. In order to improve security for the host, a few measures have been taken:

  • All capabilities are dropped
  • The AppArmor profile is set to docker-default
  • The security option no-new-privileges is enabled
  • Networking is by default blocked
  • The file system is by default read-only
  • The user can be set in environments
  • The repository volume is read-only


Feel free to suggest an improvement, report a bug, or ask something: