This modules created to working with active directory. Includes module to Authentication Using LDAP.
This version is written and tested on Python 3.8.5; and Django 3.1.5; and ldap3 2.9.
Install the ldap3 package with pip:
$ pip install ldap3=2.9
To use Django Authentication backend add 'ldap_backend.backend.LDAPBackend'
You should get something like this:
To use templates add os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'active_directory.templates') to 'DIRS' in 'TEMPLATES'
You can get settings through
username: 'username',
password: 'password',
domain: 'domain',
ssl: False,
port: 389
Or through "Settings" (preferred). Do migration, add record to table. If you want to use only 'Authentication Using LDAP' you don't need to fill 'username' and 'password' - this fields will be get from auth form.
This modules should be used not only to Authentication Using LDAP it is something more. It could be used to synchronize AD values, writing your own management commands and so on.
If you have a bug or feature request contact me.