Kodi module library for the Python bindings for Musicbrainz' NGS webservice developed by alastair
You can use this python library as module within your own Kodi scripts/addons. Just make sure to import it within your addon.xml:
<import addon="script.module.musicbrainz" version="0.0.1" />
Now, to use it in your Kodi addon/script, make sure to import it and you can access it's methods:
# Import the module
import musicbrainzngs
# If you plan to submit data, authenticate
musicbrainzngs.auth("user", "password")
# Tell musicbrainz what your app is, and how to contact you
# (this step is required, as per the webservice access rules
# at http://wiki.musicbrainz.org/XML_Web_Service/Rate_Limiting )
musicbrainzngs.set_useragent("Example music app", "0.1", "http://example.com/music")
# If you are connecting to a different server
For the complete reference see the original project:
and the complete README: