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IRAF Reduction

Kyle Koeller edited this page Jan 31, 2023 · 1 revision

Basic Performance

This program asks the user for overscan section and trim section that will be used for the rest of the data reduction process. Once this has been entered and the user tells the program where all their images are, the program immediately starts automatically reducing the images without any need for the user to do anything else.

This program requires the images to have an overscan at the moment.

Reduction Process

Overscan Correction

All images have their overscan regions subtracted and trimmed based on what the user enters for both these regions. The image is then gain corrected by a preset value within the code (values set for Ball State University Observatory).

Master Bias

Does all the same things as stated in Section Overscan Correction, but combines the images into a zero.fits image by combining the images by averaging them together.

Master Dark

Starts by subtracting overscan and subtracting off the master bias from each image. Then combines all the darks (assumes the exact same length of exposure for each image) by producing a final image with the average of all the darks.

Master Flats

Starts by subtracts overscan,master bias, and master dark from each image. Once this has completed, the program puts each filter type into its own list (essentially) and then combines each group by producing a final image in each filter by averaging each image together.

Science Images

For the last step this part subtracts overscan, bias, dark, and flat field correct based on the master flat using the correct filter image.