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Pipeline Capabilities and Cleanup
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Added in the pipeline capabilities and some code cleaup removing old commented sections or removing some entirely.
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kjkoeller authored May 24, 2024
1 parent 3d98568 commit fa8d175
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Expand Up @@ -3,101 +3,123 @@
Calculates the O'Connel Effect based on this paper:
Created on Thu Feb 25 00:47:37 2021
Last Edited: 02/27/2023
Last Edited: 05/24/2024
Original Author: Alec Neal
Last Edits Done By: Kyle Koeller

# Importing necessary libraries
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from .vseq_updated import plot, binning, calc, FT, OConnell
# from vseq_updated import plot, binning, calc, FT, OConnell # testing purposes
from tqdm import tqdm
import numpy as np
import statistics as st
from os import path

# Lambda function to calculate sigma of a function
sig_f = lambda f, x, sig_x: abs(f(x + sig_x) - f(x - sig_x)) / 2

def main():
print("How many filters are you going to use?")
while True:
prompt = input("Enter 3 if you are going to use BVR or less than 3 for a combination of them of type 'Close' "
"to close the program: ")
if prompt.isnumeric():
if 0 < int(prompt) < 4:
print("\nYou have entered in a wrong number not between 1-3. Please try again.\n")
elif prompt.lower() == "close":
print("\nYou have entered a wrong value. Please try entering a number or the word 'Close'.\n")
# If statement checks which value was entered for the 'prompt' and corresponds the correct number of files to enter
# for the O'Connel calculations
if prompt == "3":
print("\nPlease enter full file pathways for the following prompt.\n")
while True:
infile1 = input("File 1 name: ")
infile2 = input("File 2 name: ")
infile3 = input("File 3 name: ")
if path.exists(infile1) and path.exists(infile2) and path.exists(infile3):
print("\nOne of the files you have entered does not exist, please try all three again.\n")
hjd = float(input("What is the HJD: "))
period = float(input("What is the period: "))
outputile = input("What is the output file name and pathway with .pdf exntension (i.e. C:\\folder1\\test.pdf): ")
multi_OConnell_total([infile1, infile2, infile3], hjd, period, order=10, sims=1000,
sections=4, section_order=7, plot_only=False, save=True, outName=outputile)
elif prompt == "2":
print("\nPlease enter full file pathways for the following prompt.\n")
# Main function for calculating O'Connell Effect
def main(filepath="", pipeline=False, radec_list=None, obj_name="", period=0, hjd=0):
if not pipeline:
# User interaction for number of filters
print("How many filters are you going to use?")
while True:
infile1 = input("File 1 name: ")
infile2 = input("File 2 name: ")
if path.exists(infile1) and path.exists(infile2):
prompt = input(
"Enter 3 if you are going to use BVR or less than 3 for a combination of them of type 'Close' "
"to close the program: ")
if prompt.isnumeric():
if 0 < int(prompt) < 4:
print("\nYou have entered in a wrong number not between 1-3. Please try again.\n")
elif prompt.lower() == "close":
print("\nOne of the files you have entered does not exist, please try all three again.\n")
hjd = float(input("What is the HJD: "))
period = float(input("What is the period: "))
outputile = input("What is the output file name and pathway with .pdf exntension (i.e. C:\\folder1\\test.pdf): ")
multi_OConnell_total([infile1, infile2], hjd, period, order=10, sims=1000,
sections=4, section_order=7, plot_only=False, save=True, outName=outputile)
print("\nYou have entered a wrong value. Please try entering a number or the word 'Close'.\n")

# Logic to handle different numbers of filters
if prompt == "3":
# For 3 filters (BVR)
print("\nPlease enter full file pathways for the following prompt.\n")
while True:
infile1 = input("File 1 name: ")
infile2 = input("File 2 name: ")
infile3 = input("File 3 name: ")
if path.exists(infile1) and path.exists(infile2) and path.exists(infile3):
print("\nOne of the files you have entered does not exist, please try all three again.\n")
hjd = float(input("What is the HJD: "))
period = float(input("What is the period: "))
outputile = input(
"What is the output file name and pathway with .pdf extension (i.e. C:\\folder1\\test.pdf): ")
multi_OConnell_total([infile1, infile2, infile3], hjd, period, order=10, sims=1000,
sections=4, section_order=7, plot_only=False, save=True, outName=outputile,
elif prompt == "2":
# For 2 filters
print("\nPlease enter full file pathways for the following prompt.\n")
while True:
infile1 = input("File 1 name: ")
infile2 = input("File 2 name: ")
if path.exists(infile1) and path.exists(infile2):
print("\nOne of the files you have entered does not exist, please try all three again.\n")
hjd = float(input("What is the HJD: "))
period = float(input("What is the period: "))
outputile = input(
"What is the output file name and pathway with .pdf exntension (i.e. C:\\folder1\\test.pdf): ")
multi_OConnell_total([infile1, infile2], hjd, period, order=10, sims=1000,
sections=4, section_order=7, plot_only=False, save=True, outName=outputile,
# For 1 filter
print("\nPlease enter full file pathways for the following prompt.\n")
while True:
infile1 = input("File 1 name: ")
if path.exists(infile1):
print("\nThe file you have entered does not exist, please try all three again.\n")
hjd = float(input("What is the HJD: "))
period = float(input("What is the period: "))
outputile = input(
"What is the output file name and pathway with .pdf exntension (i.e. C:\\folder1\\test.pdf): ")
multi_OConnell_total([infile1], hjd, period, order=10, sims=1000,
sections=4, section_order=7, plot_only=False, save=True, outName=outputile,
print("\nPlease enter full file pathways for the following prompt.\n")
while True:
infile1 = input("File 1 name: ")
if path.exists(infile1):
print("\nThe file you have entered does not exist, please try all three again.\n")
hjd = float(input("What is the HJD: "))
period = float(input("What is the period: "))
outputile = input("What is the output file name and pathway with .pdf exntension (i.e. C:\\folder1\\test.pdf): ")
multi_OConnell_total([infile1], hjd, period, order=10, sims=1000,
sections=4, section_order=7, plot_only=False, save=True, outName=outputile)

# If running in a pipeline mode
multi_OConnell_total([radec_list], hjd, period, order=10, sims=1000,
sections=4, section_order=7, plot_only=False, save=True,
outName=(filepath + "\\" + obj_name + ".pdf"), pipeline=pipeline)

# print(sig_f(lambda x:1/x,3.4,0.01))
# print(0.01/3.4**2)

def quick_tex(thing):
Quick TeX formatting function.
plt.rcParams['text.usetex'] = True
# thing
plt.rcParams['text.usetex'] = False

# Lambda function to calculate dI_phi
dI_phi = lambda b, phase, order: 2 * sum(b[1:order + 1:] * np.sin(2 * np.pi * phase * np.arange(order + 1)[1::]))

def Half_Comp(filter_files, Epoch, period,
FT_order=10, sections=4, section_order=8,
resolution=512, offset=0.25, save=False, outName='noname_halfcomp.png',
title=None, filter_names=None, sans_font=False):
# Setting font family if not using sans font
if sans_font == False:
plt.rcParams[''] = 'serif'
plt.rcParams['mathtext.fontset'] = 'dejavuserif'
Expand All @@ -112,14 +134,13 @@ def Half_Comp(filter_files, Epoch, period,
dI.axhline(0, linestyle='-', color='black', linewidth=1)
for band in range(bands):
a, b = binning.polybinner(filter_files[band], Epoch, period, sections=sections,
norm_factor='alt', section_order=section_order)[0][:2:]
norm_factor='alt', section_order=section_order)[0][:2:]
half = int(0.5 * resolution) + 1
FT1 = FT.FT_plotlist(a, b, FT_order, resolution)
FT2 = FT.FT_plotlist(a, -1 * b, FT_order, resolution)
FTphase1, FTflux1 = FT1[0][:half:], FT1[1][:half:]
FTphase2, FTflux2 = FT2[0][:half:], FT2[1][:half:]

# R2_halves.append(np.mean([calc.error.CoD(FTflux1,FTflux2),calc.error.CoD(FTflux2,FTflux1)]))
R2_halves.append(calc.error.CoD(FTflux1, FTflux2))
R2_halves.append(calc.error.CoD(FTflux2, FTflux1))

Expand All @@ -130,7 +151,7 @@ def Half_Comp(filter_files, Epoch, period,
FTflux2 = np.array(FTflux2) + (1 - band) * offset
flux.plot(FTphase1, FTflux1, linestyle=styles[band], color=colors[band])
flux.plot(FTphase2, FTflux2, '-', color=colors[band])
# flux.annotate('B',xy=(-0.1,min(FTflux1)))

if filter_names is not None:
if len(filter_names) == bands:
flux.text(-0.12, FTflux1[0], filter_names[band], fontsize=18, rotation=0)
Expand All @@ -140,29 +161,13 @@ def Half_Comp(filter_files, Epoch, period,
if filter_names is None:
flux.set_ylabel('Flux', fontsize=16)

# mpl.rcParams['mathtext.fontset'] = 'dejavusans'
plot.sm_format(flux, numbersize=15, X=0.125, x=0.025, xbottom=False, bottomspine=False, Y=None)
plot.sm_format(dI, numbersize=15, X=0.125, x=0.025, xtop=False, topspine=False)
# plt.rcParams['text.usetex'] = True
# mpl.rcParams['mathtext.fontset'] = 'cm'
dI.set_xlabel(r'$\Phi$', fontsize=18)
# plt.rcParams['text.usetex'] = False
dI.set_ylabel(r'$\Delta I(\Phi)_{\rm FT}$', fontsize=18)
# dI.set_ylabel(r'$\Delta I(\Phi)_{\rm FT}$',fontsize=14.4)
if title != '':
flux.set_title(title, fontsize=14.4, loc='left')
# print(flux.yaxis.get_ticks())

if save:
plt.savefig(outName, bbox_inches='tight')
print(outName + ' saved.')
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -193,7 +198,7 @@ def OConnell_total(inputFile, Epoch, period, order, sims=1000,
Generating master parameters from the observational data.
# ============== DO NOT CHANGE ┬─┬ノ( º _ ºノ) ==============================
# ============================== DO NOT CHANGE ==============================
PB = binning.polybinner(inputFile, Epoch, period, sections=sections, norm_factor=norm_factor,
section_order=section_order, FT_order=FT_order)
c_MB = PB[1][0]
Expand All @@ -205,8 +210,7 @@ def OConnell_total(inputFile, Epoch, period, order, sims=1000,
nc_sec_phases = nc_MB[5][0]
c_sec_index = c_MB[5][3]
nc_sec_index = nc_MB[5][3]
# norm_f = c_MB[4]
# ob_magerr = c_MB[3][2]

a = PB[0][0]
b = PB[0][1] # Fourier coefficients
# ==========================================================================
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -273,8 +277,6 @@ def OConnell_total(inputFile, Epoch, period, order, sims=1000,
dIavelist.append(OConnell.Delta_I_mean_obs_noerror(ob_phaselist, ob_fluxlist, phase_range=0.05))
# = end sim loop =

# dIaveerror=st.stdev(dIavelist)#no purpose, compining MC errors with observation errors is double-counting

# === end Monte Carlo ===

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -358,25 +360,11 @@ def OConnell_total(inputFile, Epoch, period, order, sims=1000,
OER, OER_total_err], [LCA, LCA_total_err], [a2_0125_a2, a2_0125_a2_err]

# OConnell_total('NSVS3792718_B_apasscorr.txt',2457288.809054,0.438168,10,1000,sections=2,section_order=8)
# OConnell_total('NSVS3792718_V_apasscorr.txt',2457288.809054,0.438168,10,1000,sections=2,section_order=8)
# OConnell_total('NSVS3792718_R_apasscorr.txt',2457288.809054,0.438168,10,100,sections=2,section_order=8)

# OConnell_total("254037_B.txt", 2458403.58763, 0.317471, 10, 1000, sections=2, section_order=8)

# OConnell_total('NSVS5214334_B3_mags.txt',2459016.769744,0.345551,10,10000,sections=8,section_order=3)
# OConnell_total('NSVS5214334_V4_mags.txt',2459016.769744,0.345551,10,10000,sections=8,section_order=3)
# OConnell_total('NSVS5214334_R3_mags.txt',2459016.769744,0.345551,10,10000,sections=8,section_order=3)

def multi_OConnell_total(filter_files, Epoch, period, order=10,
sims=1000, sections=4, section_order=8,
norm_factor='alt', starName='', filterNames=[r'$\rm B$', r'$\rm V$', r'$\rm R_C$'],
FT_order=10, FTres=500, plot_only=False,
plotoff=0.25, save=False, outName='noname.png'):
does multiple things.

plotoff=0.25, save=False, outName='noname.png', pipeline=False):
Half comparison plot. The light curve is mirroed along phase = 0, so that
similar phases can be compared (should be the in theory). This gives an
Expand All @@ -391,7 +379,7 @@ def multi_OConnell_total(filter_files, Epoch, period, order=10,
Actual OConnell stuff, set plot_only=True if you just want the
half-comparison plot---so you don't have to wait forever just for a plot!
if plot_only != True:
if not plot_only:
filters = len(filter_files)
a_all = []
a_err_all = [] # list set up crap
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -431,10 +419,9 @@ def multi_OConnell_total(filter_files, Epoch, period, order=10,
# there's probably an easier way to do this (?), oh well.

LaTeX table stuff, don't change unless you know what you're doing!
LaTeX table creation, don't change unless you know what you're doing!
table_header = '\\begin{table}[H]\n' + '\\begin{center}\n' + '\\begin{tabular}{c|'
for band in range(filters):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -476,7 +463,7 @@ def multi_OConnell_total(filter_files, Epoch, period, order=10,
output += '\\hline\n' + '\\end{tabular}\n' + '\\caption{Fourier and O\'Connell stuff (' + str(
sims) + ' sims)}\n' + '\\label{tbl:OConnell}\n' + '\\end{center}\n' + '\\end{table}\n'
End LaTeX table stuff.
End LaTeX table creation
outputfile = input("Please enter an output file name without the extension: ")
Expand All @@ -485,12 +472,5 @@ def multi_OConnell_total(filter_files, Epoch, period, order=10,
return 'nada'

# multi_OConnell_total(['NSVS5214334_B3_mags.txt','NSVS5214334_V4_mags.txt','NSVS5214334_R3_mags.txt'],2459016.769744,0.345551,
# order=10,sims=100,sections=8,section_order=3,plot_only=True,plotoff=0.2,save=False,outName='NSVS5214334_BVR_comps.pdf')

# multi_OConnell_total(['NSVS3792718_B_apasscorr.txt','NSVS3792718_V_apasscorr.txt','NSVS3792718_R_apasscorr.txt'],2457288.809054,0.438168,
# order=10,sims=10000,sections=4,section_order=7,plot_only=True)

if __name__ == '__main__':

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