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UI Improvements
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Shows errors when a tab is left blank or if the user enters in letters for a float value or a number for a string value.
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kjkoeller authored Jan 9, 2025
1 parent f635e2d commit 6aa9b6d
Showing 1 changed file with 141 additions and 52 deletions.
193 changes: 141 additions & 52 deletions EclipsingBinaries/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -181,27 +181,53 @@ def __init__(self):
# Bind quit to autosave settings
self.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.quit_program)

# ---------- Undo/Redo Support ----------
def create_input_field(self, parent, label_text, placeholder_text, row, variable=None):
"""Create a labeled input field with placeholder functionality and custom undo/redo."""
def create_input_field(
self, parent, label_text, placeholder_text, row, variable=None, validation_func=None, error_message=""
Create a labeled input field with placeholder functionality, validation, and inline error message.
# Create a label for the input field
tk.Label(parent, text=label_text, font=self.label_font, bg="#ffffff").grid(
row=row, column=0, padx=10, pady=5, sticky="e"

entry = tk.Entry(parent, width=40, font=self.label_font)
# Create the entry widget
entry = tk.Entry(parent, width=30, font=self.label_font) # Reduced width
entry.grid(row=row, column=1, padx=10, pady=5, sticky="w")

# Error message label (initially empty)
error_label = tk.Label(
parent, text="", font=("Helvetica", 9), fg="red", bg="#ffffff" # Smaller font size
), relx=1.05, rely=0.5, anchor="w") # Positioned to the right of the entry

# Placeholder functionality
def on_focus_in(event):
if entry.get() == placeholder_text:
if entry.get() == placeholder_text and entry["fg"] == "gray":
entry.delete(0, "end")

def on_focus_out(event):
if not entry.get():
if not entry.get().strip(): # If entry is empty
entry.insert(0, placeholder_text)

validate_input() # Validate on focus out

# Validation function
def validate_input():
value = entry.get().strip()
if value == placeholder_text or not value: # Input is empty
error_label.config(text=error_message or "This field is required.")
entry.config(bg="#ffe6e6") # Highlight entry with a light red background
elif validation_func and not validation_func(value): # Validation fails
else: # Valid input

# Bind events
entry.insert(0, placeholder_text)
entry.bind("<FocusIn>", on_focus_in)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -402,21 +428,34 @@ def show_iraf_reduction(self):

# Input fields with placeholders
raw_images_path = self.create_input_field(self.right_frame, "Raw Images Path:",
"C:\\folder1\\raw_images", row=1)
"C:\\folder1\\raw_images", row=1,
validation_func=lambda x: len(x.strip()) > 0, # Empty string
error_message="File path cannot be empty.")

calibrated_images_path = self.create_input_field(self.right_frame, "Calibrated Images Path:",
"C:\\folder1\\calibrated_images", row=2)
"C:\\folder1\\calibrated_images", row=2,
validation_func=lambda x: len(x.strip()) > 0, # Empty string
error_message="File path cannot be empty.")

location = self.create_input_field(self.right_frame, "Location:",
"e.g., BSUO, CTIO, etc.", row=3)
"e.g., BSUO, CTIO, etc.", row=3,
validation_func=lambda x: isinstance(x, str) and x.isalpha(), # String
error_message="Value must be a string.")

# Checkbox for dark frames
dark_bool_var = tk.BooleanVar(value=True)
self.create_checkbox(self.right_frame, "Use Dark Frames", dark_bool_var, row=4)

# Overscan and Trim region inputs
overscan = self.create_input_field(self.right_frame, "Overscan Region:",
"[2073:2115, :]", row=5)
"[2073:2115, :]", row=5,
validation_func=lambda x: len(x.strip()) > 0, # Empty
error_message="Please enter at least [:,:].")

trim = self.create_input_field(self.right_frame, "Trim Region:",
"[20:2060, 12:2057]", row=6)
"[20:2060, 12:2057]", row=6,
validation_func=lambda x: len(x.strip()) > 0, # Empty
error_message="Please enter at least [:,:].")

# Button to open and plot bias image
tk.Button(self.right_frame, text="Open Bias Image", font=self.button_font, bg="#003366", fg="white",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -484,9 +523,13 @@ def show_tess_search(self):

# Input fields
system_name = self.create_input_field(self.right_frame, "System Name:",
"NSVS 896797", row=1)
"NSVS 896797", row=1,
validation_func=lambda x: len(x.strip()) > 0, # Empty
error_message="Please enter a system name.")
download_path = self.create_input_field(self.right_frame, "Download Path:",
"C:\\folder1\\download", row=2)
"C:\\folder1\\download", row=2,
validation_func=lambda x: len(x.strip()) > 0, # Empty
error_message="Please enter a file pathway.")

# Checkbox for download specific sector
download_all_var = tk.BooleanVar(value=False) # Default to unchecked
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -595,15 +638,29 @@ def show_aij_comparison_selector(self):

# Input fields
ra = self.create_input_field(self.right_frame, "Right Ascension (RA):",
"HH:MM:SS.SSSS", row=1)
"HH:MM:SS.SSSS", row=1,
validation_func=lambda x: len(x.strip()) > 0, # Empty
error_message="Please enter a RA.")

dec = self.create_input_field(self.right_frame, "Declination (DEC):",
"DD:MM:SS.SSSS or -DD:MM:SS.SSSS", row=2)
"DD:MM:SS.SSSS or -DD:MM:SS.SSSS", row=2,
validation_func=lambda x: len(x.strip()) > 0, # Empty
error_message="Please enter a DEC.")

folder_path = self.create_input_field(self.right_frame, "Data Save Folder Path:",
"C:\\folder1\\download", row=3)
"C:\\folder1\\download", row=3,
validation_func=lambda x: len(x.strip()) > 0, # Empty
error_message="Please enter a file pathway.")

obj_name = self.create_input_field(self.right_frame, "Object Name:",
"NSVS 896797", row=4)
"NSVS 896797", row=4,
validation_func=lambda x: len(x.strip()) > 0, # Empty
error_message="Please enter the object name.")

science_image = self.create_input_field(self.right_frame, "Science Image Folder Path:",
"C:\\folder1\\calibrated_images", row=5)
"C:\\folder1\\calibrated_images", row=5,
validation_func=lambda x: len(x.strip()) > 0, # Empty
error_message="Please enter a file pathway.")

# Buttons for comparison selector
tk.Button(self.right_frame, text="Run Comparison Selector", font=self.button_font, bg="#003366", fg="white",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -634,15 +691,29 @@ def show_multi_aperture_photometry(self):

# Input fields
obj_name = self.create_input_field(self.right_frame, "Object Name:",
"NSVS 896797", row=1)
"NSVS 896797", row=1,
validation_func=lambda x: len(x.strip()) > 0, # Empty
error_message="Please enter an object name.")

reduced_images_path = self.create_input_field(self.right_frame, "Reduced Images Path:",
"C:\\folder1\\reduced_images", row=2)
"C:\\folder1\\reduced_images", row=2,
validation_func=lambda x: len(x.strip()) > 0, # Empty
error_message="Please enter a file pathway.")

radec_b_file = self.create_input_field(self.right_frame, "RADEC File (B Filter):",
"C:\\folder1\\B.radec", row=3)
"C:\\folder1\\B.radec", row=3,
validation_func=lambda x: len(x.strip()) > 0, # Empty
error_message="Please enter a file pathway with file name")

radec_v_file = self.create_input_field(self.right_frame, "RADEC File (V Filter):",
"C:\\folder1\\V.radec", row=4)
"C:\\folder1\\V.radec", row=4,
validation_func=lambda x: len(x.strip()) > 0, # Empty
error_message="Please enter a file pathway with file name.")

radec_r_file = self.create_input_field(self.right_frame, "RADEC File (R Filter):",
"C:\\folder1\\R.radec", row=5)
"C:\\folder1\\R.radec", row=5,
validation_func=lambda x: len(x.strip()) > 0, # Empty
error_message="Please enter a file pathway with file name.")

# Run button
self.create_run_button(self.right_frame, self.run_multi_aperture_photometry, row=6,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -675,11 +746,19 @@ def show_gaia_query(self):

# Input fields
ra = self.create_input_field(self.right_frame, "Right Ascension (RA):",
"HH:MM:SS.SSSS", row=1)
"HH:MM:SS.SSSS", row=1,
validation_func=lambda x: len(x.strip()) > 0, # Empty
error_message="Please enter a RA.")

dec = self.create_input_field(self.right_frame, "Declination (DEC):",
"DD:MM:SS.SSSS or -DD:MM:SS.SSSS", row=2)
"DD:MM:SS.SSSS or -DD:MM:SS.SSSS", row=2,
validation_func=lambda x: len(x.strip()) > 0, # Empty
error_message="Please enter a DEC.")

output_file = self.create_input_field(self.right_frame, "Output File Path:",
"C:\\folder1\\Gaia_[star name].txt", row=3)
"C:\\folder1\\Gaia_[star name].txt", row=3,
validation_func=lambda x: len(x.strip()) > 0, # Empty
error_message="Please enter a file pathway.")

# Run button
self.create_run_button(self.right_frame, self.run_gaia_query, row=4,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -764,18 +843,28 @@ def update_file_path_fields():
validation_func=lambda x: x.replace(".", "", 1).isdigit(), # Is a float
error_message="Please enter a valid HJD."

# Period input
period_var = self.create_input_field(self.right_frame, "Period:",
"0.3175", row=7)
"0.3175", row=7,
validation_func=lambda x: x.replace(".", "", 1).isdigit(), # Is a float
error_message="Please enter a valid Period.")

obj_name_var = self.create_input_field(self.right_frame, "System Name:",
"NSVS_896797", row=8)
"NSVS_896797", row=8,
validation_func=lambda x: len(x.strip()) > 0, # Empty, # Is a float
error_message="Please enter a System Name."

# Output file path
output_var = self.create_input_field(self.right_frame, "Output File Path:",
"C:/folder1/folder2", row=9)
"C:/folder1/folder2", row=9,
validation_func=lambda x: len(x.strip()) > 0, # Empty, # Is a float
error_message="Please enter a file pathway."

# Button to run O'Connell Effect calculation
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1119,28 +1208,28 @@ def quit_program(self):
if messagebox.askyesno("Exit", "Are you sure you want to exit?"):

class PlaceholderEntry(tk.Entry):
def __init__(self, master=None, placeholder="Enter text...", placeholder_color="grey", *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(master, *args, **kwargs)

self.placeholder = placeholder
self.placeholder_color = placeholder_color
self.default_fg_color = self["fg"]

self.bind("<FocusIn>", self._clear_placeholder)
self.bind("<FocusOut>", self._add_placeholder)


def _clear_placeholder(self, event=None):
if self["fg"] == self.placeholder_color:
self.delete(0, tk.END)
self["fg"] = self.default_fg_color

def _add_placeholder(self, event=None):
if not self.get():
self.insert(0, self.placeholder)
self["fg"] = self.placeholder_color
# class PlaceholderEntry(tk.Entry):
# def __init__(self, master=None, placeholder="Enter text...", placeholder_color="grey", *args, **kwargs):
# super().__init__(master, *args, **kwargs)
# self.placeholder = placeholder
# self.placeholder_color = placeholder_color
# self.default_fg_color = self["fg"]
# self.bind("<FocusIn>", self._clear_placeholder)
# self.bind("<FocusOut>", self._add_placeholder)
# self._add_placeholder()
# def _clear_placeholder(self, event=None):
# if self["fg"] == self.placeholder_color:
# self.delete(0, tk.END)
# self["fg"] = self.default_fg_color
# def _add_placeholder(self, event=None):
# if not self.get():
# self.insert(0, self.placeholder)
# self["fg"] = self.placeholder_color

def launch_main_gui():
Expand Down

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