Also, in recent years, it became a trend to provide a one-line summary per each statement. To follow this trend, we also provide an extractive summarization of the generated statement based on LexRank algorithm.
CV generator can be a powerful tool in 3 ways:
- Generates your own cv statements based on the accepted statements dataset.
- Provides inspirational text or keywords when writing statements.
- Acts as a self-branding tool that can be applied to various statements or portfolios.
- Fine-tune pre-trained model GPT-3 with crawled dataset
- Generation of cv statements based on accepted statements dataset
- Extractive summarization with LexRank algorithm
- Crawling accepted statements: Linkcareer / JobKorea
- Provision of self-branding tool for members of data science society 'KUBIG'
- train: 데이터 전처리, GPT3 fine-tuning
- generate: fine-tuning된 모델 불러와 자기소개서 생성
- preprocessed_data: 잡코리아/링커리어에서 크롤링 후 전처리한 데이터 csv 파일
- 1차 발표자료
- 2차 발표자료
- 최종 발표자료