TCP Stealth is an RFC draft and an extension for the Linux kernel providing a modern version of port knocking for TCP sockets. Unlike other approaches, TCP_Stealth
is safe against active MitM attacks, is able to ensure the integrity of the first TCP segment sent after the handshake, and requires only minimal changes to existing applications (setsockopt
The TCP Initial Sequence Number (ISN) of the connection initiator is chosen in such a way that it conveys authentication (AV) and integrity (IH) information to the connection responder. Both sides need to be in possession of a symmetric pre-shared key to use TCP Stealth.
├── examples # Example of userspace code using TCP Stealth
├── isn_algorithm # Userspace implementation of the ISN generation aglrothm
├── kernel_patches # Patches for various (ancient) Linux kernels implementing TCP Stealth
├── libknockify # LD_PRELOAD library to add TCP Stealth to existing code without recompiling
├── nat_tester # Helper utility to determine middle box ISN rewriting behaviour
└── third_party_patches # Patches adding TCP Stealth to OpenSSH and systemd