Send SMS Via Way2SMS from PHP.
Tested Working with Way2SMS UI Version 4. Supports upto 140 Characters
Way2SMS has added a Captcha Verification. Will update when I can find a workaround
UPDATE: Fully functional again :)
sendWay2SMS ( '9000012345' , 'password' , '987654321' , 'Hello World');
sendWay2SMS ( '9000012345' , 'password' , '987654321,9876501234' , 'Hello World');
$client = new WAY2SMSClient();
$client->login('username', 'password');
$client->send('987654321', 'msg1');
//Add sleep between requests to make this requests more human like!
//A blast of request's may mark the ip as spammer and blocking further requests.
$client->send('987654321,9876501234', 'msg2');
Send SMS just making GET or POST Requests.
Incase u want to use the service from your application then the parameters for ur application would be,YYYYYYYYY&msg=Hello+World
uid = LOGIN_ID ( Your Login ID [either nickname or 10 Digit mobile no] )
pwd = PASSWORD ( Your Login Password )
phone = 10 Digit Mobile number. Incase of multiple numbers then numbers separated by comma (,)
msg = Your Message.
Please use this code on your own risk. The author is no way responsible for the outcome arising out of this.