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OpenOLT agent

The OpenOLT agent runs on white box Optical Line Terminals (OLTs) and provides a gRPC-based management and control interface to OLTs.

The OpenOLT agent is used by VOLTHA through the OpenOLT adapter.

OpenOLT agent uses Broadcom's BAL (Broadband Adaptation Layer) software for interfacing with the Maple/Qumran chipsets in OLTs such as the Edgecore/Accton ASXvOLT16 and with Aspen/Qumran chipsets in OLTs such as the Radisys RLT-3200G-W. The current version of the Broadcom BAL integrated with OpenOLT agent is BAL3.10.2.2.

  |             VOLTHA              |
  |                                 |
  |       +------------------+      |
  |       | OpenOLT adapter  |      |
  OpenOLT gRPC API |
+--------------------- ---------------+
|                  |                  |
|         +------------------+        |
|         |   OpenOLT agent  |        |
|         +--------+---------+        |
|                  |                  |
| Vendor specific  | (e.g. Broadcom   |
|       API        |     BAL API      |
|                  |                  |
|         +------------------+        |
|         | Vendor SoC/FPGA  |        |
|         |(e.g Maple/Qumran)|        |
|         +------------------+        |
|                                     |
|           White box OLT             |

Hardware requirements

A list of tested devices and optics can be found in the CORD hardware requirements guide, in the R-CORD access equipment and optics section.

Pre-built debian packages of OpenOLT agent for Accton/Edgecore ASFVOLT16/ASGvOLT64

Accton/Edgecore makes available pre-built debian packages of OpenOLT agent to their customers. Get access credentials for and then login and navigate to File_Station -> EdgecoreNAS, and then the folder /ASXvOLT16/OpenOLT_Agent/From_ONF_Distribution/ and pick the right version of .deb package required for your testing.

Install OpenOLT

Copy the debian package to the OLT. For example:

scp openolt.deb [email protected]:~/.

Install the openolt.deb package using dpkg:

dpkg -i openolt_<OPENOLTDEVICE>-<Version>-<GIT Commit ID>.deb

Run OpenOLT as a Linux service

Rebooting the OLT (after the installation) will start dev_mgmt_daemon and openolt as system services:


The services can also be stopped/started manually:

service dev_mgmt_daemon stop
service openolt stop
service dev_mgmt_daemon start
service openolt start

Check the status of the services:

service dev_mgmt_daemon status
service openolt status

Run OpenOLT in foreground for development and debugging

Running the dev_mgmt_daemon and/or openolt services in the foreground is useful for development and debugging. Make sure to first stop the services if they are running in background.

service dev_mgmt_daemon stop
service openolt stop

Open a terminal and run the Broadcom BAL software (dev_mgmt_daemon):

cd /broadcom
./dev_mgmt_daemon -d -pcie

Perform dev_mgmt_daemon and change NNI port speed:

  • 100G port change to 40Gbps speed (Accton/Edgecore ASXvOLT16)
cd /broadcom
./dev_mgmt_daemon -d -pcie -port_100g_speed 40000
  • 100G port change to 10Gbps speed (use Break-out cable) (Accton/Edgecore ASXvOLT16)
cd /broadcom
./dev_mgmt_daemon -d -pcie -port_100g_speed 10000 topology_config_file ./topology_config_16_ports.ini
  • 25G port change to 20Gbps speed (Accton/Edgecore ASGvOLT64)
cd /broadcom
./dev_mgmt_daemon -d -pcie -port_25g_speed 20000
  • 25G port change to 10Gbps speed (Accton/Edgecore ASGvOLT64)
cd /broadcom
./dev_mgmt_daemon -d -pcie -port_25g_speed 10000
  • 25G port change to 1Gbps speed (Accton/Edgecore ASGvOLT64)
cd /broadcom
./dev_mgmt_daemon -d -pcie -port_25g_speed 1000
  • 40G QSFP NNI port change to 10Gbps speed and 10G SFP NNI port to default speed (Phoenix/Radisys RLT-3200G-W, RLT-1600G-W).
    If no speed specified QSFP port speed defaults to 40G and SFP port speed defaults to 10G
cd /opt/bcm68650/
./ -clean
./ -qsfp_speed=10g -sfp_speed=10g
cd /broadcom
./dev_mgmt_daemon -d -pcie
  • 100G QSFP NNI port change to 10Gbps speed and 25G SFP NNI port change to 10Gbps speed (Phoenix/Radisys RLT-1600X-W).
    If no speed specified QSFP port speed defaults to 100G and SFP port speed defaults to 25G
cd /opt/bcm68650/
./ -clean
./ -qsfp_speed=10g -sfp_speed=10g
cd /broadcom
./dev_mgmt_daemon -d -pcie
  • 100G QSFP NNI port change to 40Gbps speed and 25G SFP NNI port change to 10Gbps speed (Phoenix/Radisys RLT-1600X-W).
    If no speed specified QSFP port speed defaults to 100G and SFP port speed defaults to 25G
cd /opt/bcm68650/
./ -clean
./ -qsfp_speed=40g -sfp_speed=10g
cd /broadcom
./dev_mgmt_daemon -d -pcie

The dev_mgmt_daemon executable presents the CLI for Broadcom's BAL when run in the foreground which is useful for debugging.

While the first executable still runs (even in background), open another terminal and run openolt:

cd /broadcom
./openolt --interface <interface-name> (or)
./openolt --intf <interface-name>


  • In the commands above, you should specify OLT management interface name or inband interface name if OLT is used in inband mode. Openolt gRPC server will start listening on given interface's IP address. If no interface specified gRPC server will listen on "" which will accpet requests from any of the interfaces present in OLT.
  • The two executables will remain open in the terminals, unless they are put in background.

Inband ONL Note

  • Inband ONL image built by packaging Openolt debian package and some startup scripts. The startup scripts serve to enable inband channels, create inband tagged interfaces, install Openolt debian package and run dev_mgmt_daemon and Openolt services.
  • Startup script named "" will be executed in background after ONL installation. Script execution could be watched in a log file located in /var/log/startup.log.
  • Follow the procedure specified in Build OpenOLT section to build integrated Inband ONL image.

Connect from VOLTHA

At the VOLTHA CLI, preprovision and enable the OLT:

(voltha) preprovision_olt -t openolt -H YOUR_OLT_MGMT_IP:9191
(voltha) enable

Additional notes

  • 9191 is the TCP port that the OpenOLT agent uses for its gRPC channel.
  • See the for possible TLS configurations.
  • In the commands above, you should use OLT inband interface IP address if OLT is used in inband mode, otherwise substitute all its occurrences with the management IP of your OLT.

Log Collection for whitebox OLT Device

To collect logs from openolt, dev_mgmt_daemon and syslog processes install td-agent(fluentd variant) directly on OLT device which will capture and transmits the logs to elasticsearch pod running in voltha cluster.


OLT should have ntp installed to ensure it has correct time(which is used by td-agent for generated events)

apt-get install ntp

Installation of td-agent deb package:

  • Download the deb package for td-agent
  • Install td-agent on device
dpkg -i td-agent_3.8.0-0_amd64.deb

Post Installation:

We have created custom td-agent configuration file to handle format of involved log files using right input plugins and elasticsearch output plugin.

Copy the custom config file from here in the ~ directory of the olt. Then into the /etc folder in order for the agent to pick it up.

cp td-agent.conf /etc/td-agent.conf
  • Set elasticsearch host and port in /etc/td-agent.conf
  • Restart the td-agent service
service td-agent restart

Need to redirect syslog to default port of fluentd syslog plugin.

  • Add “. @” to /etc/rsyslog.conf
  • Restart syslog using
/etc/init.d/rsyslog restart


To enable TLS encryption features with td-agent look at this google doc

Supporing Dynamic PON Transceiver (TRX) detection and configuration of MAC and PON mode

The PonTrxBase class defined in agent/device/device.(h/cc) provides base implementation with the following capabilities

  • Read SFP/Trx presence information using the onlpdump utility on the OLT
  • Read EEPROM data for the PON Trx
  • Decode PON Trx EEPROM data for Vendor Name, P/N, Rev, OUI and Wavelength(s)
  • Get SFP mode
  • Get MAC mode
  • Store SFP, EEPROM data

The base class implentation has to derived class PonTrx defined in vendor specific modules and if needed override the base class methods to provide vendor specific implementation. See agent/device/sim/vendor.(h/cc) for how this is done for the simulated vendor used in unit tests.

The usual steps involved in openolt-agent startup is below

  1. Read and populate SFP presence data (check read_sfp_presence_data)
  2. Read EEPROM data for all the detected SFPs (check read_eeprom_data_for_sfp)
  3. Decode EEPROM data for the successfully read SFP EEPROM data (check decode_eeprom_data)
  4. Then use get_mac_system_mode and get_sfp_mode to get the modes while configuring the MAC and the PON respectively.

If any vendor does not want to support dynamic MAC and PON mode configuration, then do not define DYNAMIC_PON_TRX_SUPPORT in agent/device/<vendor-folder>/vendor.h and then provide the definition of DEFAULT_MAC_SYSTEM_MODE and DEFAULT_PON_MODE that you would want to use for your device.

What is supported today?

All that is described in the earlier section is supported today for supporting Dynamic PON Trx detection and configuration of MAC and PON mode.

What is missing?

  • Static configuration of PON Trx modes via a yaml configuration file that is discussed in this document
  • Hot plug in/out of PON Trx and then reconfiguration of MAC and PON modes
  • More error/exception handling in the PonTrxBase implementation. But this, as the name suggests, is a base class implementation - could always be overriden in the derived class if you need a sophesticated implementation.
  • Test and enhance for Combo PON SFPs. Currently only tested for either GPON or XGSPON SFP.

Build OpenOLT Agent

Refer BUILDING guide for details on how to build openolt agent.


The information here may be specific to specific OLT and ONU hardware such as Edgecore ASFVOLT16 OLT, Radisys RLT-3200G-W OLT and Broadcom based ONUs.

How to change speed of ASFVOLT16 NNI interface?

Auto-negotiation on the NNI (Network to Network Interface) uplink ports is not tested.

By default, the OpenOLT agent sets the speed of the NNI interfaces to 100G. To downgrade the network interface speed to 40G, add the following lines at the end of the /broadcom/qax.soc configuration file.

port ce128 sp=40000

A restart of the dev_mgmt_daemon and openolt services is required after making this change.

How to get access to BAL CLI on OLT box

To get access to the BCM.0> maple console, SSH into the OLT and then execute:

cd /broadcom

How do I check packet counters on the OLT's PON interface?

Following is an example of retrieving the interface description for PON intf_id 0

(TODO: document PON interface numbering for Edgecore OLT).

BCM.0> a/t clear=no object=pon_interface sub=itu_pon_stats pon_ni=0
[-- API Start: bcmolt_stat_get --]
[-- API Message Data --]
object: pon_interface- PON Network Interface.
get stat subgroup: itu_pon_stats-ITU PON Statistics. loid: 0 response: OK
[-- API Complete: 0 (OK) --]

How do I check packet counters on the OLT's NNI interface?

Following command retrieves NNI intf_id 0:

BCM.0> a/t clear=no object=nni_interface sub=stats id=0
[-- API Start: bcmolt_stat_get --]
[-- API Message Data --]
object: nni_interface- nni_interface.
get stat subgroup: stats-NNI Interface Statistics. loid: 0 response: OK
[-- API Complete: 0 (OK) --]

How do I list flows installed in the OLT?

Following command lists the flows installed on the OLT.

BCM.0> a/m max_msgs=100 filter_invert=no object=flow

How do I access device CLI when running dev_mgmt_daemon and openolt agent binary as services?

Navigate to /opt/bcm68620 and execute the command /broadcom/dev_mgmt_attach to access the QAX diagnostic shell. If you are not able to access the shell, you need to recompile the BAL SDK with SW_UTIL_SHELL=y option set.

DBA Scheduler fail to create on the OLT with errors related to Bandwidth configuration

Ensure that additional_bw indicator in the Technology Profile and the bandwidthprofile configured in ONOS netcfg for the subscriber are following the below guideline.

  • When additional_bw is configured as AdditionalBW_BestEffort, ensure cir + eir values in ONOS netcfg BW profile for the subscriber are greater than or equal to 16000 for XGSPON, and it is greater than equal to 32000 for GPON. Also ensure that eir is a non-zero value.
  • When additional_bw is configured as AdditionalBW_NA, ensure that both cir and eir are non-zero values, and cir + eir is greater than or equal to 16000 for XGSPON and 32000 for GPON.
  • When additional_bw is configured as AdditionalBW_None, ensure that eir is 0 and cir is non-zero and cir is greater than or equal to 16000 for XGSPON, and it is greater than equal to 32000 for GPON.

For more details about BW profile parameters, please refer below links.

MEF Wiki - Bandwidth-Profiles-for-Ethernet-Services Technology Profile Implementation Note


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