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This storage format is meant to provide a foundation for building ACID-compliant databases.

  • Uses a write-ahead log for efficient, atomic, durable writes.
  • Data chunks can be written and assigned a unique ID.
  • Data chunks can be archived by their unique ID.
  • The database can be checkpointed to free previously archived data for reuse.
  • The lifecycle of data allows building full database replication from the commit log contained within the database and ensuring data isn't overwritten before all clients are replicated.

This database uses a folder to store its files. Additional files can be stored within the folder without affecting Sediment.

The Grain Lifecycle

The storage format of Sediment is organized around storing chunks of data in slots known as grains. When data is written to Sediment, it is given a GrainId. The data associated with a GrainId is immutable.

A GrainId can be used to read previously stored data. Once a grain is no longer needed, it can be archived. Archiving a grain marks it as being able to be freed during a checkpointing operation.

When Sediment's database is checkpointed, all archived grains are freed. After this operation, the previously allocated regions will be able to be reused.

This design allows Sediment to be viewed as an append-only data format despite not being implemented as such. This design also enables building a replication log using the built-in commit log.

Sediment Architecture

Sediment's internal implementation is separated into several main types:

  • Atlas: The Atlas keeps track of the in-memory representation of the state of the Sediment database. The Atlas knows whether a particular grain is in the write-ahead log or isn't even allocated at all.
  • Store: The Store manages updating the on-disk representation of the Sediment database.
  • WalManager: The WalManager persists changes from the write-ahead log to the Store, and updates the Atlas when data has moved from the write-ahead log to the primary data store.
  • Checkpointer: The Checkpointer is responsible for freeing archived grains and removing old commit log entries. Without the Checkpointer, Sediment would be an append-only database that data could never be removed from.

Disk Format

On-disk, Sediment uses an index file and a collection of "Strata" -- sticking with the geology theme. Each Stratum is organized by its Basin, which determines the individual grain size within the Stratum.

The index contains two copies of the IndexHeader. When updating the index, the inactive version should be overwritten. This ensures that if a crash happens while updating the header, the currently active version remains untouched.

Each Stratum contains two copies of a StratumHeader. Just like the index, when updating a Stratum's header, the inactive version should be overwritten. After the StratumHeaders, the remainder of the file is an array of grains.

A grain allocation can span multiple grains. Each grain begins with an 8-byte value representing the TransactionId that the grain was allocated during. Next, a 4-byte encoded representation of the allocation's exact byte length. The grain's data comes after the length field. Finally a CRC32 is written directly after the grain, which is a checksum of the data itself. This means that each grain has 16 bytes of overhead.

Opening a database (Recovery)

To open a database from an unknown state, the first step is opening the index. The two IndexHeaders's transaction_ids are compared. The most recent version is attempted to be read from initially.

To verify that the IndexHeader is valid, we must inspect all data written. If any checksums fail or inconsistencies are detected, the older IndexHeader should be used instead.

To validate the last commit, the commit_log_head is loaded and each grain operation must have the updates on-disk validated. To ensure a newly written grain's data is correct, the grain header's TransactionId must match the IndexHeader and the data's CRC must be validated. The expected CRC is not only written on disk but is also contained in the CommitLogEntry.

Once the Store has restored its state from disk, the Atlas can be initialized from the disk state. With the Store and the Atlas created, the WriteAheadLog can be opened.

While recovering the WriteAheadLog, the WalManager will update the Atlas with changes that were previously written to the WAL but haven't been checkpointed into primary storage yet.

After the WriteAheadLog has finished recovery, the Sediment database is now fully validated.

Transaction Flow (Writing Data)

Sediment uses OkayWAL for its WriteAheadLog implementation. OkayWAL only allows a single thread to write an Entry at any given time, but will transparently batch multiple threads when their writes can be fsynced simultaneously. To leverage this, we need to ensure that changes written in transactions are available to future transactions but are not published to readers outside of a transaction until after the WriteAheadLog has confirmed the commit.

This state is managed by the TransactionLock. It hands out a single TransactionGuard at a time, which allows a thread to begin a new entry in the WriteAheadLog. It also provides access to the transactional version of the IndexMetadata.

Before committing a transaction's Entry to the WriteAheadLog, TransactionGuard::store is called, which updates the transactional IndexMetadata and stages the information about the current commit in a location that can be published after the WriteAheadLog confirms the entry is written. The thread is handed back a TransactionFnalizer. Another thread will now be able to acquire a TransactionGuard.

The thread then commits the WriteAheadLog entry. Because another thread can acquire a TransactionGuard, the WriteAheadLog is able to queue up and batch multiple operations being made by different threads.

When the WriteAheadLog entry is committed, the TransactionFinalizer can be finalized, which publishes all staged transactions up to and including the one that was written by this thread.

Publishing the staged changes involves notifying the Atlas of the LogPositions that new GrainIds are available at, or marking GrainIds as freed.

WriteAheadLog Checkpointing

Periodically, the WriteAheadLog will invoke WalManager::checkpoint_to(), part of the LogManager trait. During this stage, the WAL needs the WalManager to move all data from the entries being checkpointed into the primary data store.

The LogManager iterates over the entries being checkpointed. When a new grain is written, the grain data at the appropriate location in the appropriate Stratum is written including the grain's header and CRC. All grain changes are accumulated during this scanning operation.

Once all entries have been processed, the StratumHeaders need to be updated to reflect the new grain states. Once all updates to a given Stratum have been processed, a new version of the StratumHeader is written to the file.

Once all Stratum have been updated, the IndexHeader is updated with the latest checkpointed information. The new IndexHeader is then written to the index.

Finally, all changed Stratum, the index, and if there were new files, the directory are fsynced.

After all files are fully synchronized to disk, the Atlas is notified of the grains that were checkpointed, allowing it to now serve read requests for grains from primary storage instead of the WAL.

Sediment Checkpointing (Removing Data)

Sediment stores a CommitLogEntry for each transaction, which describes the changes performed to each grain. This CommitLogEntry contains enough information to enable replicating a Sediment database. These CommitLogEntrys are important to the recovery process, but they can take up a lot of disk space if they aren't removed.

The process of cleaning up the Sediment database is called checkpointing, and is driven by the Checkpointer. The IndexMetadata has two fields related to checkpointing: checkpointed_to and checkpoint_target.

Sediment is built around atomic operations. Because data cannot be fully freed until it has been checkpointed into primary storage, we first commit an update to the checkpoint_target value. Once the update to checkpoint_target has been persisted by the WalManager during a WAL Checkpoint, the Checkpointer is notified of the updated target.

The Checkpointer scans the database for all CommitLogEntrys that have TransactionIds between checkpointed_to and the updated checkpoint_target. If any matching CommitLogEntry has any archived_grains, they are collected into a list of grains to free. Each CommitLogEntry's GrainId is collected to archive.

Once all matching CommitLogEntrys have been found, a new transaction is begun. The transaction writes the collected grain archive and free commands. Additionally, the transaction updates the checkpointed_to value to the TransactionId just checkpointed.

Once the transaction is committed, the Checkpointer waits for a new checkpoint_target.


A low-level MVCC file format for storing blobs.


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