This is a system for Hyderabad MMTS tracking , time table ,price details and all info required for MMTS trains.
Background: I used commute to my office by Hyderabad MMTS trains from 2011 to 2014 in Hyderabad. Most of the time MMTS trains will be delyed by 15 to 60 mins and passengers have no idea about these delays and endup waiting lot of time for trians. One day I thought why dont someone (probably who already in the trains or station vendors,railway employees) share me the location of the train,so that I can plan my journey properly.
This is when I thought of developing a system where people can share status of the mmts trains, so that others can see that and plan their journey accordingly.So I started doing research on developing and hosting a website and decided to go with google app engine as it is free.
I worked on this aggressevly for few months, developed most of the modules but unfortunatley I couldn't get the time to spend on this project.
sharing the codebase in github, so that some one can extend it or use as practise project. As it was developed in 2012, not sure whether this project will be useful or not.
Technologies Used: Google App Engine, JQuery Mobile, JQuery, Slim3, DataStore, Java