- Database models 'OLD'- Different from the current existing models
- Controllers
- Routes - REST routes
- Mongo DB
- Email Controller
- Error Controller
- Asynchronous JS Module
set up in
- Callback URL
let payment = await stripe.checkout.sessions.create({
Daranja API configs set up in
mpesa.lipaNaMpesaOnline({ BusinessShortCode: BusinessShortCode, Amount: 1 /* 1000 is an example amount */, PartyA: phone, // use your real phone number PartyB: BusinessShortCode, // LiAccount Referencepa Na Mpesa Online Shortcode on test credentials page PhoneNumber: phone, // use your real phone number CallBackURL: "https://example.com/mpesaSuccess", // this is where the api sends a callback. It must a hosted endpoint with public access. AccountReference: "Techkey", // This is what the customer would have put as account number if they used normal mpesa passKey: PassKey, TransactionType: "CustomerPayBillOnline", TransactionDesc: "unihome house booking", });
- client_secret
- client_id
set up in
paypal.payment.create(req.create_payment_json, function (error, payment) {
- NODE_ENV = define production / development Ex : NODE_ENV = development
- OWNER = your company name EX: techkey
- DBUSER = Mongo DB username
- DBPASSWORD = Mongo DB password
- DBSTRING = Atlas Mongo cluster connection string
- TOKENSECRETE = Json web token secrete
- TOKENDURATION = how long token will be valid
- COOKIEDURATION = cookie duration
- EMAILUSER = Cpanel / SMTP user Ex : [email protected]
- EMAILPASSWORD = email user password
- EMAILHOST = email host URL
- EMAILPORT = SMTP port number
- EMAILFROM = email client will view as sent from
- NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED = allows unsecure domains to send emails .
- WEBHOOK_SECRETE = stripe web hook, provided in stripe dashboard
- STRIPE_SECRET_KEY = stripe secret key
- No admin dash to add data to the system, this App requires Post man to add data