- ch_and_pp (Caldwell House and Passion Puddle)
- PM_Year1 (Princeton Meadows Year 1)
- PM_Year2 (Princeton Meadows Year 2)
- core_microbiomes (include data from sets above plus Huang et al, 2020 datasets)
- evolution_analysis (includes data from rice and Arabidopsis studies)
- other_figures (code to create NJ map figure)
- plastid_ratio_analysis (code used to analyze DAB t0 reads)
- data-* (figures and files used in manuscript)
- q2_analysis_using_R.R (R functions used to analyze data)
- upload fastq libraries
- use q2 to process fastq libraries and generate feature tables, diversity metrics, taxa barplots
- use R to analyze q2 output and create visualizations
- use R to perform differential abundance analysis using ALDEx2
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