A python code that output Latex format that can be converted to png image for the desired LFSR.
The code is self explanatory, at least in my view. Go to The taps
and defind your LFSR with the initial values. Compile with python3.8 lfsr_draw.py > lfsr.tex
and next run pdflatex -shell-escape lfsr.tex
and your lfsr.png is there.
Sample images;
The First LFSR of A5/1 outputted for another Q.
Duing working on A5/1's LFSR many bugs were cleaned! Font size is still an issue.
This is used in Cryptography.SE as a meta test.
and you can produce animations, too ( very soon the code is coming)
convert -delay 50 -loop 0 lfsr*.png lfsr.gif
to produce the gif from the output images.
The Library is free to use, just give the reference, done!
No liability!