This is a Homebrew formula for PGPLOT. homebrew recently removed pgplot for a Licence issue. This is a local backup (+ minor modificaiton) of the latest pgplot formula just before being removed. You can tap this repository and install pgplot.
brew install kazuakiyama/pgplot/pgplot
Or brew tap kazuakiyama/pgplot
and then brew install pgplot
Don't forget to add paths for PGPLOT. For instance, you can add the following line to your ~/.bashrc_profile or ~/.zprofile files (and remember to source the file to update your current session):
PGPLOT_DIR=`brew --prefix pgplot`/lib
if [ -e $PGPLOT_DIR ]; then
As a radio astronomer, I have a few other brew formulas for radio astronomy packages using PGPLOT. These packages depend on this PGPLOT formula.
- DIFMAP: a Caltech very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) software package for imaging and calibration of radio interferometric data (link to the formula)
- SCHED: a spftware package by National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) for planning and scheduling VLBI observations (link to the formula)
If you find any issues related to this brew formula, please post issues in this github repository or directly contact me (Kazu Akiyama). I would note that, as I'm no longer an active user of PGPLOT, I do not frequently check the repository or its compatibilities in the latest macOS versions or mac hardware. If you do not see my replies in GitHub issues, please consider directly reaching out to me.