DogeWalk started out as my gratuation Project for the Udacity iOS Developer Nanodegree but developed into a small passion project which i plan on releasing on the App Store in the future after implementing my remaining milestones.
DogeWalk is still under construction and not fully finished yet.
I constantly try to leave my main thread in a build-able state, but crashes can still occur. Please keep this in mind when you take a look at the code or run the project
With DogeWalk you can create profiles for your dogs and track every single walk with them. You can provide optional information on your dogs profile such as the age, breed, height, weight, chip-ID, favourite toys and treats as well as if your dog is neutered or not.
Once you are ready to go for a walk, you can select who is coming with you. No matter if its just one furry friend or five, there is no limitations on how many dogs you can add to your pack or walk. Once the Walk stars, DogeWalk is recording the duration, distance of your walk. The Walk can be paused and continued. Every walk is saved and displayed in an overview that showes you the stats of each Walk as well as which dogs participated.
By selecting once dog in the main menu, you can see all the Walks this dog has done with you. From there, you can also enter the Profile editor, in case you want to update your dogs information.
- Clone/Download repo
- Open
in Xcode - Build & run!
Swift 5+
Xcode 12+
. Please make sure to not use older versions of Xcode to ensure a smooth build
- Display a daily statistical overview, displaying the startTime of the walks of the day and their duration
- Display a weekly statistical overview, displaying the days of the week and the collective duration of all walks that day
- Display a monthly statistical overview, displaying the days of the week and the collective duration of all walks that day
- Track your Dogs mood
- Save upcoming doctor appointments