This has been replaced by
Resources for EPICS Introduction. Started as V4 and CSS introduction at EPICS meeting, then updated for other training sessions.
Download VirtualBox and also the VirtualBox Extension Pack from .
sudo rpm --install VirtualBox-5.2-5.2.18_124319_el7-1.x86_64.rpm
Add yourself to group required to run vbox
sudo /usr/sbin/groupadd vboxusers
sudo /usr/sbin/usermod -G vboxusers $USER
Start VirtualBox
Create new VM
Name: Training
Type: Linux
Version: RedHat (64-bit)
Memory Size: 3094 MB
Disk: VDI, dynamically allocated, 20GB
Update VM settings to use several CPU cores.
Start up with CentOS-7-x86_64-DVD-1804.iso
When starting VM for the first time, VirtualBox will prompt for an image.
To boot from ISO image later, open Settings, Storage, Controller: IDE "Empty", press icon to select Centos ISO, then start the VM.
Software Selection: "GNOME Desktop" with add-ons
- GNOME Applications
- Development Tools
Would like to not install these, to be removed later:
- LibreOffice
- Brasero, Rythmbox, shotwell
Network & Host name: Turn ethernet "on", hostname training.epics
Select the storage/target disk, begin installation. While that is progressing for quite some time,
use UI options to set root password to $root
. Add user training
, pass $training
and add group wheel
Reboot VM.
Log in as training
In the VirtualBox menu, select Devices
, Insert Guest Additions CD Image
This should automatically execute
sudo /run/media/training/VB*/
(In one case, display now turned into gibberish. Power VM off, restart).
"Eject" the guest additions CD.
Applications, System Tools, Settings: Under Details, Users, select Automatic Login for the 'training' user. (Seemed to reset to no-automatic-login. Try also via the 'power' button in toolbar, training, Account Settings) Under Power, set Blank Screen to 'Never' and turn Automatic Suspend off.
Restart VM once more. The VM's display will now follow the size of the host window.
In case 'ssh' access is required from the host:
Open VirtualBox Devices, Network, Network Settings, Adapter 1 (NAT), Advanced, Port Forwarding.
Add a new rule from host to guest
Host can now access VM via ssh -p 2200 training@localhost
Log on as user training, pass $training, then
git clone
Invoke Applications, Utilities, Tweak Tool. Configure Desktop, Background: Use epics-train/EPICS.png, centered Configure Windows, Titlebar, Middle Click: Lower
Zoom: Global zoom of GTK tools (CSS, GEdit, ...): export GDK_SCALE=2
GEdit: Doesn't seem to support Ctrl +/- or Ctrl Scrollwheel zoom. When GEdit is running, use Text Editor -> Preferences -> Font & Color from menu to change font size.