cube of 512 LEDS that can show amazing animations using 8 bit atmega 32 MCU at a frame rate of 1300/s
documented pdf can be found here
have a look at how awesome this project looks :D
coded in Atmel Studios 7 for Atmega 32 set of MCu.. just change the main.c
for eg.-// you will be using atmega 32 and the interrupt values are as follows prescalar of 128 OCR value 10
pseudo code as follows-
TCCR2 |= (1 << CS20) | (1 << CS22) | (1 << WGM21); TIMSK |= (1 << OCIE2); OCR2 = 10;
giving u (16 MHz / 128 (prescalar) / 11 (ocr value) / 8 ) = 1420.45 times cube refreshed per second . (where after 8 interrupts complete cube gets refreshed).
Modes are- wave form generation mode.. clear on time compare mode .. and use a 16 bit timer too..
- Kartik Nighania