"The Item Catalog project consists of developing an application that provides a list of items within a variety of categories, as well as provide a user registration and authentication system."
├── application.py
├── client_secrets.json
├── catalogdb_setup.py
├── fakedb.py
├── catalog.db
├── README.md
├── static
│ └── style.css
└── templates
├── categories.html
├── categoryItems.html
├── deleteCategoryItem.html
├── editCategoryItem.html
├── header.html
├── itemDescription.html
├── login.html
└── newCategoryItem.html
Download and install Vagrant.
Download and install VirtualBox.
Clone or download the Vagrant VM configuration file from here.
You will end up with a new directory containing the VM files.
Change directory to the vagrant directory:
cd vagrant/
run:vagrant up
Connect to the VM by running:
vagrant ssh
cd /vagrant/
to navigate to the shared repository.- "Files in the VM's /vagrant directory are shared with the vagrant folder on your computer. But other data inside the VM is not. For instance, the PostgreSQL database itself lives only inside the VM."
Download this repository in the
folder -
Set up the database:
python catalogdb_setup.py
Insert dummy values:
python fakedb.py
:python application.py
in your favourite Web browser, and enjoy.
Returns JSON of all categories
Returns JSON of all category items
Returns JSON of specific category items