Microservice used to submit subcases onto agendas in Kaleidos.
Add the following snippet to your docker-compose.yml
image: kanselarij/agenda-submission-service
CACHE_CLEAR_TIMEOUT: 5000 # adds a timeout before sending a response, to give the cache time to clear.
Add rules to the dispatcher configuration file to dispatch requests to this service:
match "/meetings/:meeting_id/submit", @json_service do
Proxy.forward conn, [], "http://agenda-submission/meetings/" <> meeting_id <> "/submit"
Submit the subcase onto the latest agenda of the meeting.
"subcase": "http://themis.vlaanderen.be/id/procedurestap/XXXXXX",
"formallyOk": true,
"privateComment": "Private comment to be placed on the created agendaitem"
- When the submission the succeeded. The response body will contain bare JSON:API of the newly created agendaitem, providing only its ID so that it can be fetched using the resources service
- When the meeting ID path parameter is left empty
- When the subcase URI is not provided in the body of the request
- When the provided meeting is already closed (you cannot submit a subcase on a closed meeting)
- When the provided subcase is already submitted and is not postponed
- When the service cannot find data about either the meeting, the subcase, or the latest agenda of the meeting