- The Kaltura client library base (KalturaClientBase, KalturaXmlParsers)
- Auto generated core APIs (KalturaClient)
- Auto generated plugin APIs (KalturaPlugins/*)
- The 'ASIHttpRequest' open source library (http://allseeing-i.com/ASIHTTPRequest/)
- Project files
- Library test code and data files (KalturaClientTester/*)
- Reference iPhone / iPad applications
- Open the target project in XCode
- Locate KalturaClient.xcodeproj in Finder
- Drag KalturaClient.xcodeproj to the project in XCode IMPORTANT: this doesn't work correctly if the KalturaClient project is open in XCode Make sure to close all Xcode projects before dragging (specifically, don't drag the KalturaClient project from XCode - drag it from Finder) KalturaClient.xcodeproj should now appears under your project and be expandable
- Click on your project and select Build Settings->Search Paths
- Add the following paths to 'Header Search Paths' ../KalturaClient/KalturaClient ../KalturaClient/KalturaClient/ASIHTTPRequest ../KalturaClient/KalturaClient/KalturaPlugins NOTE: these paths apply when your project is saved under the same folder as KalturaClient if it's not, adjust the paths appropriately
- Click on your project and select Build Phases
- Locate libKalturaClient.a under KalturaClient.xcodeproj->Products
- Drag libKalturaClient.a to 'Link Binary With Libraries'
- Add the following libraries to 'Link Binary With Libraries' libz.dylib libxml2.dylib CFNetwork.framework MobileCoreServices.framework SystemConfiguration.framework
- Open XCode
- Open the KalturaClientTester project (File->Open)
- Edit KalturaClientTester.m and fill out your partner id and admin secret (optionally, change the user id)
- Choose the KalturaClientTester > iPhone simulator scheme
- Build the project (Product->Build)
- Hit play
- Click the Go button in the test app
Note: The library was tested under iPhone Simulator V4.3, built under xCode V4.1
- Open XCode
- Open the Kaltura project under DemoApplication (File->Open)
- Open Shared/Kaltura-Info.plist
- Type your KMC credentials under the UserEmail / UserPassword fields
- Choose the Kaltura > iPhone simulator scheme
- Hit play
- Open Xcode
- Open the Kaltura project under DemoApplication (File->Open)
- Choose the "Kaltura widevine" > Device (iPhone/iPad) scheme
- Hit play
- In AppDelegate_iPhone.m -> didFinishLaunchingWithOptions Add "kalturaNativeCordovaPlayer" suffix to your user agent
- MediaInfoViewController_iPhone.h Add: #import <PlayerSDK/PlayerViewController.h> PlayerViewController* playerViewController; - (void)stopAndRemovePlayer; - (void)toggleFullscreen:(NSNotification *)note;
- MediaInfoViewController_iPhone.m Add: [self drawPlayer]; -(void) orientationDidChange:(NSNotification *)notification - (void)toggleFullscreen:(NSNotification *)note in: - (void)viewWillDisappear:(BOOL)animated Add: [self stopAndRemovePlayer];
- You can see full implementation in this referenceApp