This document shows the steps to get the application to run in docker for production and rails server for local developement.
Clone this application
Change directory to the application root
from the root run docker-compose build
run the following command to create the postgres db docker-compose run --rm web bin/rails db:create
run the following command to run migrations on the db docker-compose run --rm web bin/rails db:migrate
run the following command if you wish to seed the db docker-compose run --rm web bin/rails db:seed
run the following command to start the application docker-compose up -d
You'll need the latest rails gem and bundler to run the application locally.
Clone this application
Change directory to the application root
run bundle install
to install the dependencies
run rails db:create
to create the db
run rails db:migrate
to run all db migrations
run rails db:seed
to seed data to the database
run rails server
to run the server
full API docs can be found at this location when running the app. http://localhost:3000/api