Scraps the job offers available for a specefic keyword from
Selenium is used to scrap the website.
Steps to use this scrapper :
- Install the requirements :
pip install -r requirements.txt
NOTE: The webdriver of the web browser you are using is mandatory for the functionnality of Selenium. Make sure to download that and to set its path as an argument for the emploi object you'll initialize in your file (See steps below).
- Import the class into your project :
from emploi import emploi
- In your file, initialize an emploi object, set its argument (webdriver) and call its main.
webdriver = 'C:\\Users\\yourusername\\Downloads\\chromedriver_win32\\chromedriver' #Webdriver used here is Chrome's one
a = emploi(webdriver)
jobs = a.main("python") #returns a list of jobs related to "python" in string format in case there are jobs, otherwise an empty list
jobs = a.main("python")
Result in terminal (As of November 2020) :
DevTools listening on ws://
Développeur Python
Développeur sénior (Web ou Mobile)
Software engineer
Développeur Odoo
Développeur DevOps
Développeur DevOps
Développeur Fullstack
Ingénieur Data Scientist
Développeur Machine Learning
Ingénieur de formation junior
Développeur Web et Mobile
End to End Transport Architect Responsible
Développeur Fullstack (systèmes embarqués /AI)
Ingénieur Développement Front-End & Back-End
Ingénieur intégration Systèmes embarqués
This solution is NOT provided by Emploitic nor one of its employees
mail : [email protected]