This library provides tools to perform large-scale multi-agent simulations using an Entity Component System.
The following are supported:
- 2D/3D Double Integrator
- Linear/Nonlinear Inverted Pendulum
- Nonlinear Double Pendulum
- Clohessy-Whiltshire equations
- Continuous Infinite-Horizon Linear Quadratic Regulator
MADS consists of a higher level "Engine", managing the overall runtime and step size, and a lower level "Simulator" which propogates the dynamics between engine time steps.
To setup MADS, you must first configure these two components into the initial SimulatorState. Upon construction, the state initializes Legion ECS Resources, Schedule, and World with some of these parameters. Further user configuration and world building is done with Scenarios:
use mads::simulator::configuration::{EngineConfig, SimulatorConfig};
use mads::simulator::state::SimulatorState;
use mads::simulator::Simulator;
use mads::math::integrators::IntegratorType;
// Configure engine
let start_time = 0.0;
let max_time = 10.0;
let engine_step = 0.1;
let engine_config = EngineConfig::new(start_time, max_time, engine_step);
// Configure simulator
let integrator = IntegratorType::RK45;
let integrator_step = 0.1;
let sim_config = SimulatorConfig::new(integrator, integrator_step);
// Initial simulator state
let sim_state = SimulatorState::new(engine_config, sim_config);
Scenarios capture the user-defined world, including entities, their interactions, and dynamics models to be evaluated. Using the Legion ECS library, Scenarios provide a structured way to setup Entities, Systems, the World, and other necessary data strucures for the simulation.
A detailed description of Entity Component Systems (ECS) and Legion can be read here and here.
See below for an example user-defined Scenario of a single Entity, with 2D Double Integrator dynamics, driven by an LQR controller:
use mads::ecs::systems::simple::*;
use mads::ecs::systems::simulate::integrate_lqr_dynamics_system;
use mads::ecs::components::*;
use mads::ecs::resources::*;
pub struct MyScenario {
pub num_entities: u32,
impl MyScenario {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self { num_entities: 1 }
fn setup_entities(&self, world: &mut World, resources: &mut Resources) {
// SimulationResult maps SimIDs to an entity's history of states
// This is initialized when SimulatorState is first constructed
// See src/ecs/
let mut storage = resources.get_mut::<SimulationResult>().unwrap();
// Define dynamics models and controllers matrices
let double_integrator = DoubleIntegrator2DComponent::new();
let A = double_integrator.dynamics().A.clone();
let B = double_integrator.dynamics().B.clone();
let Q = DMatrix::<f32>::identity(4, 4);
let R = DMatrix::<f32>::identity(2, 2);
// Iterate over the range of 0-n entities, initialize each Entity as a tuple of Components, and collect into a vector
let entities: Vec<(FullState, DoubleIntegrator2DComponent, LQRComponent, SimID)> = (0..self.num_entities).into_iter()
.map(| i | -> (FullState, DoubleIntegrator2DComponent, LQRComponent, SimID) {
// Generate an ID for each Entity
let name = "Entity".to_string() + &i.to_string();
let id = Uuid::new_v4();
let sim_id = SimID { uuid: id, name };
// Initial x,y position and velocity
let state = DVector::<f32>::from_vec(vec![2.0, -3.0, 5.0, 1.0]);
let fullstate = FullState { data: state };
// Define dynamics model component
let dynamics = DoubleIntegrator2DComponent::new();
// Define controller component
let controller = LQRComponent::new(A.clone(), B.clone(), Q.clone(), R.clone());
(fullstate, dynamics, controller, sim_id)
// Create an entry in the SimulatorResult resource for each Entity
// Each entity state is updated here as the simulation runs
for entity in entities.iter() {
// Use the entity's SimID and FullState components as key/value for storage![entity.0.clone()]);
// Add the list of Entities to the World
Implement the Scenario trait for your custom scenario and build the schedule of systems to run as part of the simulation:
impl Scenario for MyScenario {
fn setup(&self, world: &mut World, resources: &mut Resources) {
let storage = SimulationResult{ data: HashMap::new() };
self.setup_entities(world, resources);
// Build a Schedule to execute at the beginning of an engine time step
fn build(&self) -> Schedule {
let schedule = Schedule::builder()
// Update and perform logic specific to the scenario at the end of every time step
fn update(&mut self, _world: &mut World, _resources: &mut Resources) {
A simulator can be constructed using the initial simulator state and scenario generated earlier. Once built, the simulator can be ran to perform the Scenario with the given configuration:
// Construct user defined scenario
let scenario = MyScenario::new();
// Run simulation
let mut simulator = Simulator::new(sim_state, scenario);;;
To serialze simulation results to csv:
use mads::log::{SimpleLogger, LogDataType, Logger};
let logger = SimpleLogger;
if let Err(err) = logger.to_csv(&simulator.state, "./my_scenario_results.csv", LogDataType::SimResult) {
println!("csv write error, {}", err);
The default logged data is the time-series of each entity's state, however you can implement your own logger as you see fit.
See examples for more details on how to setup and run simulations and scenarios.
MADS would not be possible without the great work put into these projects: