The puspose of this repo is to develope and maintain various Zero Knowledge based projects for ref
Install snarkjs globaly
npm install -g snarkjs
Install circom
-- snip --
- Go the circuit dirctory. Follow the instruction to define the circuit, compile, define inputs and then generate the witness.
- Go to trusted setup directory and follow the instruction to generate prover and verifier keys
- Follow following steps to generate and verify proof on local system using node/snarkjs
snarkjs plonk prove ./trusted-seupt-powers-of-tau/circuit_final.zkey ./circuit/inputs/witness.wtns ./circuit/inputs/proof.json ./circuit/inputs/public.json
snarkjs plonk verify ./trusted-seupt-powers-of-tau/verification_key.json ./circuit/inputs/public.json ./circuit/inputs/proof.json
- Go to smartcontract directory and follow the instructions to generate a verifier contract and test