For simulation of eZdsp (c5535) builds. For debug purposes only.
Note: This uses the simulator for the c55x processors - the functional simulator appears to be working the best.
Also, the lastest CCS toolset that the simulator(s) seem to work with is 5.5x - which at the time of this writing
is still available for download from TI. Since the 'c5535 eZdsp and other hardware has apparently increased in price;
using the simulator is a good alternative to having actual hardware; and since CPU_119 will probably never be fixed;
this is one of the only ways in which to debug code that does stack fix-ups in a timely and controlled fashion.
In case you haven't seen the TI teaching ROM series - please look here: and for modifying
that to run on the 'c5535 eZdsp:
Some great resources for learning about DSP's, algorithms, etc. All can be found here:
John W.
Build Note: The 4.4.1 Compiler (CGT) will try to pass pvParameters on the stack unless the build is compiled using the -0 option for optimization(s).
I don't think there's currently any other way to get around this - I think this could explain some of the stack alignment issues I've been seeing; it
is for sure at least one of them. So, be careful regarding arguments, variables, etc. being passed on the stack vs. in registers as what has been expected
in port.c.
John W.