# Install node.js environment
apt-get install aptitude curl wget git build-essential gdebi
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.25.1/install.sh | bash
. ~/.profile
nvm install 0.10.33
nvm alias default 0.10.33
# Install node.js command line tools
## If you are using root user
npm config set unsafe-perm true
npm install -g coffee-script coffeelint grunt-cli [email protected]
# Intall project dependencies
npm install
# Install and configure sublime text 3
wget http://c758482.r82.cf2.rackcdn.com/sublime-text_build-3059_amd64.deb -O /tmp/st3.deb
gdebi !$
mkdir -p ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/User
cd ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/
rm User -rf
git clone https://github.com/inetfuture/sublime-Config User
## Fix 'cannot input chinese problem', the system environment has to be ubuntu 13+
## If it doesn't work, follow this http://my.oschina.net/daleyjh/blog/151457 by yourself
## First, install and activate sogou pinyin, http://pinyin.sogou.com/linux/
cp User/s_13_10 /usr/local/bin/s
## After this, use s to start sublime text, otherwise you still won't be able to input chinese
cd ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Installed\ Packages
wget https://sublime.wbond.net/Package%20Control.sublime-package
## Under the root directory of this project
s .
## Then wait, sublime's package control will download missing plugins, until then the UI may seem problematic
## Press `Ctrl + ~` you can see the progress, when see something like 'Theme loaded', you're done
git fetch
git checkout -t origin/master -b whatsThisBranchFor
# Coding...
git add && git commit
git pull --rebase
# Coding...
# Fetch new code on origin/master in the middle
git stash
git pull --rebase
git stash pop
# Coding...
git add && git commit
git pull --rebase
# ...
# Open at least one merge request per day, at the afternoon before going home
git push origin whatsThisBranchFor -f
- 每天离开前提交自己的代码
- 注意合理细分任务,确保能提交一个可运行的版本
- 提交的代码收到 review 的反馈后,修改自己的代码
- 注意反复检查自己更改
- 如果自己觉得还有一些问题,写在 description 中
- 第二天早上的第一件事是 review 分配给自己的 merge request
- 指出代码中的错误,包括 coding style, 逻辑错误,漏掉的检查等
- 运行代码,并做全面的测试
- 当有一些错误需要改正时,comment
Reviewed and waiting for fix
, 没有错误时, commentReviewed
- 提交的代码收到 review 的反馈后,修改自己的代码
- 同意被指出的错误时,修改并用
git commit --amend
重新 commit, 然后 commentfixed
- 不同意的话,解释原因
- 同意被指出的错误时,修改并用
- 收到代码提交者的 fixed 反馈后,再次 review 修改后 assign 给自己的代码,没问题则 assign 给有权限 merge 的开发者
- 常用的 idioms 参考 http://arcturo.github.io/library/coffeescript/04_idioms.html
- 每行最多为 119 characters
- 每个文件的顶部写上
'use strict'
, 原因查看 http://arcturo.github.io/library/coffeescript/07_the_bad_parts.html - 运行
, 确保没有错误
git commit
scope: subject description
scope 用涉及的模块名,例如 login
, signup
, channel
subject 应该能够说明此次 commit 所更改的内容,并且能唯一标识这个更改
grunt appiumServer mochaTest:followOfficalAccount protractor:checkCustomerIfExist protractor:addCustomerTag protractor:addGraphics protractor:sendMessageToUsers mochaTest:receiveMessage protractor:autoReply mochaTest:userInputKeyWord protractor:customMenu mochaTest:customizeMenu protractor:addQrCode protractor:deleteGraphics protractor:deleteMenu protractor:deleteAutoReplyMessage protractor:deleteQrCode mochaTest:unfollowOfficalAccount -f