PRODO - Test Automation with Cypress
- Calendar: Allows users to add events, edit them, and delete them. Events can be added either by submitting a form or by using drag-and-drop functionality.
- Expense Tracker: Enables users to track their income and expenses, view their current balance, transaction history and visualize their financial data through charts.
- Goals Tracker: Lets users set and manage their goals across different categories, edit them, and delete them as needed.
- cypress/integration/tests: Contains the test files organized by feature, each focusing on specific functionalities such as calendar, expenses tracker, goals tracker, login and registration.
- cypress/integration/pageObject: Contains page object classes that encapsulate the elements and actions related to each page/component of the application, promoting code reusability and maintainability.
- cypress/fixtures: Contains JSON files with test data used by the tests, such as login credentials, calendar data, expenses data, goals data, and registration data.
- cypress/support/commands.js: Defines custom Cypress commands used across the tests to validate alerts, modals, and perform login actions with valid credentials.
- Clone this repository to your local machine.
- Navigate to the root directory of the cloned repository.
- Install dependencies by running
npm install
. - Run Cypress by executing
npm run open
. - Cypress Test Runner will open, allowing you to select and run individual test files or run all tests.