TurnKey MediaServer makes it easy to bring all of your home videos, music, and photos together into a single server that automatically converts and streams your media on-the-fly to play on any device. This app integrates Emby with a file management web app, Windows-compatible network file sharing and other transfer protocols including SFTP, rsync, NFS, and WebDAV. Files can be managed in private or public storage.
This appliance includes all the standard features in TurnKey Core, and on top of that:
SSL support out of the box.
Media server (Emby) configurations:
- Web UI (https) listening on ports 8096 and 8920 (https).
- Preconfigured path substitution for Samba access
- Preconfigured Music, Movies, TVShows, and Photos directories
File server (Samba) configurations:
Preconfigured wordgroup: WORKGROUP
Preconfigured netbios name: MEDIASERVER
Configured Samba and UNIX users/groups synchronization (CLI and Webmin).
Configured root as administrative samba user.
Configured shares:
- Users home directory.
- Public storage.
- CD-ROM with automount and umount hooks (/media/cdrom).
Access your files securely from anywhere via SambaDAV:
- Web GUI access to your files, with online previews of major formats and drag-n-drop support.
- Pre-configured authentication (Samba).
- Pre-configured repositories (storage, user home directories).
Default storage: /srv/storage
Includes popular compression support (zip, rar, bz2).
Webmin module for configuring Samba.
File server access: log in as user root
SambaDAV web file management:
From the command line:
smbclient // -Uroot mount -t cifs // /mnt -o username=root,password=PASSWORD
Emby Web UI: log in as username emby
- Webmin, Webshell, SSH, Samba: username root