This is a project that was constructed to do the following:
- Provide one step to build a simple API Gateway + Lambda function + Database app
- Include the app router lambda code which is deployed with the rest of the build
- Include a node.js router that allows for local testing of the app router code so it can be done without deploying
Install the following if you do not have them:
An initial build is required to set up the infrastructure for your personal development. Once you have set up the infrastructure, you shouldn't need to do this again unless you make modifications to the infrastructure itself.
to set up or modify the infrastructure.
Each time you make changes to the lambda functions, you can
run provision/
to deploy the lamdba functions
Running node .
starts up the local express server for
testing purposes.
The deployment via
will do each of the
- Convert
API definition to JSON. Currently the aws cli only supports swagger JSON importing, but yaml is easier for humans to deal with. terraform
deploys the infrastructure
- Sets up roles
- Creates API Gateway
- Sets up DynamoDB
- Deploys the app router lambda function
- AWS CLI is used to import swagger definition into API
- API Gateway is hooked up to app router lambda