Github Project Link (Private)
This project imports data on Brandeis bourses, subjects, and instructors into a ruby on rails app that displays the information and is deployed to Heroku.
In this part, I added a User model, authentication, signup/login/logout, enrollments (including allowing a user to sign up for classes), and searching by keywords and subject.
Note on Bootstrap
I tried to add bootstrap table and buttons, but I didn't;t get anything that works, this is what happened with the buttons in the courses view
The user must sign up to view their profile or enroll in a class
The signup page is from the class textbook
The user's profile showing their courses
The user search for courses by a keyword and/or subject
The results from the previous search, all courses with subject mathematics and keyword "Calculus"
Special Features
I used the email and password validations from the textbook, so the email has to be a reasonable format and the password must be at least 6 characters
The courses are sorted by course number, I inserted 0s into course numbers such as Anth 1a or Anth 60b, but those insertions are hidden from the user
I seeded the Users model with fake users and emails, each user has 3 different classes
I flash an error message if the search returns no results or the user tries to view another user's profile
Scaffolds Used
rails generate scaffold User name:string email:string password_digest:string
rails generate controller Sessions
Links Used
authentication 1
and add Enrollment from my March 5 recitation assignment 1 (private link)
form helpers 1
Note on Bootstrap:
I changed the title font to Wallpoet,see app/assets/stylesheets/custom.scss
rails generate scaffold Course code:string name:string description:string requirements:string
rails generate scaffold Instructor instructor_id:integer email:string first:string last:string
rails generate scaffold Subject subject_id:string name:string
-Jacob Smith
COSI 166 B Spring 2021