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708yamaguchi committed Jan 3, 2021
1 parent 22ac6cc commit f7f7697
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Showing 3 changed files with 258 additions and 14 deletions.
135 changes: 128 additions & 7 deletions jsk_kinova_robot/kinovaeus/gen3-interface.l
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,27 +1,27 @@
(require "package://kinovaeus/gen3-utils.l")
(require "package://pr2eus/robot-interface.l")

;; Enable to use moveit
(require "package://pr2eus_moveit/euslisp/robot-moveit.l")

(defclass gen3-interface
:super robot-interface
:slots (gripper-action)
:slots (gripper-action moveit-robot)

(defmethod gen3-interface
(&rest args)
(send-super* :init :robot gen3_robotiq_2f_85-robot :joint-states-topic "/my_gen3/joint_states" :groupname "gen3_interface" args)
(send self :add-controller :rarm-controller)
(send self :add-controller :arm-controller)
(setq gripper-action
(instance ros::simple-action-client :init
:groupname groupname))
(setq moveit-robot (instance gen3_robotiq_2f_85-robot :init))
(send self :set-moveit-environment (instance gen3-moveit-environment :init :robot moveit-robot))
(:default-controller () (send self :rarm-controller))
(:rarm-controller ()
(:default-controller () (send self :arm-controller))
(:arm-controller ()
(cons :controller-action "my_gen3/gen3_joint_trajectory_controller/follow_joint_trajectory")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -55,15 +55,136 @@
(&rest args &key &allow-other-keys)
(send* self :go-grasp :pos 0.0 args))
;; :angle-vector-xxx and :check-continuous-joint-move-over-180
;; are mainly copied from package://fetcheus/fetch-interface.l
(:check-continuous-joint-move-over-180 ;; can be removed if http// merged
(let ((i 0) add-new-trajectory-point)
(dolist (j (send robot :joint-list))
;; for continuous rotational joint
(when (and (> (- (send j :max-angle) (send j :min-angle)) 360)
(> (abs (elt diff-av i)) 180))
(ros::ros-warn "continuous joint (~A) moves ~A degree, commanded joint differs from original trajectory to avoid unintentional 360 rotation" (send j :name) (elt diff-av i))
(setq add-new-trajectory-point t))
(incf i (send j :joint-dof)))
(:angle-vector-raw (av &optional (tm 3000) &rest args)
(let* ((prev-av (send self :state :potentio-vector :wait-until-update t))
(diff-av (v- av prev-av)))
(when (send self :check-continuous-joint-move-over-180 diff-av)
(let* (avs (minjerk (instance minjerk-interpolator :init))
(scale-av (send self :sub-angle-vector av prev-av))
dist div)
(setq dist (abs (geo::find-extream (coerce diff-av cons) #'abs #'>=)))
(setq div (round (/ dist 120.0)))
(send minjerk :reset
:position-list (list prev-av (v+ prev-av scale-av))
:time-list (list tm))
(send minjerk :start-interpolation)
(send minjerk :pass-time (/ tm div))
(dotimes (i div)
(setq avs (append avs (list (send minjerk :pass-time (/ tm div))))))
(send* self :angle-vector-sequence-raw avs (make-list div :initial-element (/ tm div)) args)
(return-from :angle-vector-raw (car (last avs)))))
(send-super* :angle-vector av tm args)))
(:angle-vector-sequence-raw (&rest args) (send-super* :angle-vector-sequence args))
(av &optional (tm 3000) &rest args) ;; (ctype controller-type) (start-time 0) &rest args
;; &key (clear-velocities t) &allow-other-keys)
"Send joind angle to robot with self-collision motion planning, this method retuns immediately, so use :wait-interpolation to block until the motion stops.
- av : joint angle vector [rad]
- tm : time to goal in [msec]
(let ((ctype controller-type) (start-time 0) (start-offset-time nil) (clear-velocities t))
;; as of 0.3.x, :angle-vector (robot-interface) :acceps tm ctype start-time as optional arguments, but in here we prefer old API
(if (= (length args) 1) ;; args must be ctype
(setq ctype (car args)
args (cdr args)))
(if (and (>= (length args) 2) (null (member (car args) '(:start-time :clear-velocities))));; args must be ctype start-time
(setq ctype (car args)
start-time (cadr args)
args (cddr args)))
(if (member :start-time args) (setq start-time (cadr (member :start-time args))))
(if (member :start-offset-time args) (setq start-offset-time (cadr (member :start-offset-time args))))
(if (member :clear-velocities args) (setq clear-velocities (cadr (member :clear-velocities args))))
;; for simulation mode
(when (and (not (boundp '*co*)) (send self :simulation-modep))
(return-from :angle-vector (send* self :angle-vector-raw av tm ctype start-time args)))
(when (not (numberp tm))
(ros::warn ":angle-vector tm is not a number, use :angle-vector av tm args"))
(send* self :angle-vector-motion-plan av :ctype ctype :move-arm :rarm :total-time tm
:start-offset-time (if start-offset-time start-offset-time start-time)
:clear-velocities clear-velocities args)))
(avs &optional tms &rest args) ;; (ctype controller-type) (start-time 0) &rest args
;; &key (clear-velocities t) &allow-other-keys)
"Send joind angle to robot with self-collision motion planning, this method returns immediately, so use :wait-interpolation to block until the motion stops.
- avs : sequence of joint angle vector [rad]
- tms : list of time to goal from previous angle-vector point in [msec]
(let ((ctype controller-type) (start-time 0) (start-offset-time nil) (clear-velocities t))
;; as of 0.3.x, :angle-vector (robot-interface) :acceps tm ctype start-time as optional arguments, but in here we prefer old API
(if (= (length args) 1) ;; args must be ctype
(setq ctype (car args)
args (cdr args)))
(if (and (>= (length args) 2) (null (member (car args) '(:start-time :clear-velocities))));; args must be ctype start-time
(setq ctype (car args)
start-time (cadr args)
args (cddr args)))
(if (member :start-offset-time args) (setq start-offset-time (cadr (member :start-offset-time args))))
(if (member :clear-velocities args) (setq clear-velocities (cadr (member :clear-velocities args))))
;; for simulation mode
(when (send self :simulation-modep)
(return-from :angle-vector-sequence
(send* self :angle-vector-sequence-raw avs tms ctype start-time args)))
(unless (and (listp tms) (every #'numberp tms))
(ros::warn ":angle-vector-sequence tms is not a list of number, use :angle-vector-sequence av tms args"))
(if tms
(setq tms (apply #'+ tms))
(setq tms 3000))
(send* self :angle-vector-motion-plan avs :ctype ctype :move-arm :rarm :total-time tms
:start-offset-time (if start-offset-time start-offset-time start-time)
:clear-velocities clear-velocities args)))

(defun gen3-init (&optional (create-viewer))
(unless (boundp '*gen3*) (gen3) (send *gen3* :reset-pose))
(unless (ros::ok) (ros::roseus "gen3_eus_interface"))
(unless (boundp '*co*)
(ros::ros-warn ";; collision-object-publisher wait for \"my_gen3/apply_planning_scene\" service for ~A sec~%" 5)
(if (ros::wait-for-service "my_gen3/apply_planning_scene" 5)
(setq *co* (instance collision-object-publisher
:service-name "my_gen3/apply_planning_scene"
:scene-service "my_gen3/get_planning_scene"))
(ros::ros-warn ";; could not find \"my_gen3/apply_planning_scene\" skip creating *co*~%")))
(unless (boundp '*ri*) (setq *ri* (instance gen3-interface :init)))

(send *ri* :spin-once)

(when create-viewer (objects (list *gen3*)))

(defclass gen3-moveit-environment
:super moveit-environment)
(defmethod gen3-moveit-environment
(:init (&key ((:robot rb) *gen3*) &rest args)
(send-super* :init
:robot rb
:frame-id "base_link"
:scene-service "my_gen3/get_planning_scene"
:planning-service "my_gen3/plan_kinematic_path"
:execute-service "my_gen3/execute_kinematic_path"
:query-planner-interface-service "my_gen3/query_planner_interface"
:planning-scene-world "my_gen3/planning_scene_world"
:state-validity-service "my_gen3/check_state_validity"
(:default-configuration ()
(list (list :rarm
(cons :group-name "arm")
(cons :target-link
(send self :search-link-from-name "end_effector_link"))
(cons :joint-list (send robot :arm :joint-list)))))
135 changes: 128 additions & 7 deletions jsk_kinova_robot/kinovaeus/gen3-lite-interface.l
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,27 +1,27 @@
(require "package://kinovaeus/gen3-lite-utils.l")
(require "package://pr2eus/robot-interface.l")

;; Enable to use moveit
(require "package://pr2eus_moveit/euslisp/robot-moveit.l")

(defclass gen3-lite-interface
:super robot-interface
:slots (gripper-action)
:slots (gripper-action moveit-robot)

(defmethod gen3-lite-interface
(&rest args)
(send-super* :init :robot gen3_lite_gen3_lite_2f-robot :joint-states-topic "/my_gen3_lite/joint_states" :groupname "gen3_lite_interface" args)
(send self :add-controller :rarm-controller)
(send self :add-controller :arm-controller)
(setq gripper-action
(instance ros::simple-action-client :init
:groupname groupname))
(setq moveit-robot (instance gen3_lite_gen3_lite_2f-robot :init))
(send self :set-moveit-environment (instance gen3-lite-moveit-environment :init :robot moveit-robot))
(:default-controller () (send self :rarm-controller))
(:rarm-controller ()
(:default-controller () (send self :arm-controller))
(:arm-controller ()
(cons :controller-action "my_gen3_lite/gen3_lite_joint_trajectory_controller/follow_joint_trajectory")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -56,15 +56,136 @@
(&rest args &key &allow-other-keys)
(send* self :go-grasp :pos 0.95 args))
;; :angle-vector-xxx and :check-continuous-joint-move-over-180
;; are mainly copied from package://fetcheus/fetch-interface.l
(:check-continuous-joint-move-over-180 ;; can be removed if http// merged
(let ((i 0) add-new-trajectory-point)
(dolist (j (send robot :joint-list))
;; for continuous rotational joint
(when (and (> (- (send j :max-angle) (send j :min-angle)) 360)
(> (abs (elt diff-av i)) 180))
(ros::ros-warn "continuous joint (~A) moves ~A degree, commanded joint differs from original trajectory to avoid unintentional 360 rotation" (send j :name) (elt diff-av i))
(setq add-new-trajectory-point t))
(incf i (send j :joint-dof)))
(:angle-vector-raw (av &optional (tm 3000) &rest args)
(let* ((prev-av (send self :state :potentio-vector :wait-until-update t))
(diff-av (v- av prev-av)))
(when (send self :check-continuous-joint-move-over-180 diff-av)
(let* (avs (minjerk (instance minjerk-interpolator :init))
(scale-av (send self :sub-angle-vector av prev-av))
dist div)
(setq dist (abs (geo::find-extream (coerce diff-av cons) #'abs #'>=)))
(setq div (round (/ dist 120.0)))
(send minjerk :reset
:position-list (list prev-av (v+ prev-av scale-av))
:time-list (list tm))
(send minjerk :start-interpolation)
(send minjerk :pass-time (/ tm div))
(dotimes (i div)
(setq avs (append avs (list (send minjerk :pass-time (/ tm div))))))
(send* self :angle-vector-sequence-raw avs (make-list div :initial-element (/ tm div)) args)
(return-from :angle-vector-raw (car (last avs)))))
(send-super* :angle-vector av tm args)))
(:angle-vector-sequence-raw (&rest args) (send-super* :angle-vector-sequence args))
(av &optional (tm 3000) &rest args) ;; (ctype controller-type) (start-time 0) &rest args
;; &key (clear-velocities t) &allow-other-keys)
"Send joind angle to robot with self-collision motion planning, this method retuns immediately, so use :wait-interpolation to block until the motion stops.
- av : joint angle vector [rad]
- tm : time to goal in [msec]
(let ((ctype controller-type) (start-time 0) (start-offset-time nil) (clear-velocities t))
;; as of 0.3.x, :angle-vector (robot-interface) :acceps tm ctype start-time as optional arguments, but in here we prefer old API
(if (= (length args) 1) ;; args must be ctype
(setq ctype (car args)
args (cdr args)))
(if (and (>= (length args) 2) (null (member (car args) '(:start-time :clear-velocities))));; args must be ctype start-time
(setq ctype (car args)
start-time (cadr args)
args (cddr args)))
(if (member :start-time args) (setq start-time (cadr (member :start-time args))))
(if (member :start-offset-time args) (setq start-offset-time (cadr (member :start-offset-time args))))
(if (member :clear-velocities args) (setq clear-velocities (cadr (member :clear-velocities args))))
;; for simulation mode
(when (and (not (boundp '*co*)) (send self :simulation-modep))
(return-from :angle-vector (send* self :angle-vector-raw av tm ctype start-time args)))
(when (not (numberp tm))
(ros::warn ":angle-vector tm is not a number, use :angle-vector av tm args"))
(send* self :angle-vector-motion-plan av :ctype ctype :move-arm :rarm :total-time tm
:start-offset-time (if start-offset-time start-offset-time start-time)
:clear-velocities clear-velocities args)))
(avs &optional tms &rest args) ;; (ctype controller-type) (start-time 0) &rest args
;; &key (clear-velocities t) &allow-other-keys)
"Send joind angle to robot with self-collision motion planning, this method returns immediately, so use :wait-interpolation to block until the motion stops.
- avs : sequence of joint angle vector [rad]
- tms : list of time to goal from previous angle-vector point in [msec]
(let ((ctype controller-type) (start-time 0) (start-offset-time nil) (clear-velocities t))
;; as of 0.3.x, :angle-vector (robot-interface) :acceps tm ctype start-time as optional arguments, but in here we prefer old API
(if (= (length args) 1) ;; args must be ctype
(setq ctype (car args)
args (cdr args)))
(if (and (>= (length args) 2) (null (member (car args) '(:start-time :clear-velocities))));; args must be ctype start-time
(setq ctype (car args)
start-time (cadr args)
args (cddr args)))
(if (member :start-offset-time args) (setq start-offset-time (cadr (member :start-offset-time args))))
(if (member :clear-velocities args) (setq clear-velocities (cadr (member :clear-velocities args))))
;; for simulation mode
(when (send self :simulation-modep)
(return-from :angle-vector-sequence
(send* self :angle-vector-sequence-raw avs tms ctype start-time args)))
(unless (and (listp tms) (every #'numberp tms))
(ros::warn ":angle-vector-sequence tms is not a list of number, use :angle-vector-sequence av tms args"))
(if tms
(setq tms (apply #'+ tms))
(setq tms 3000))
(send* self :angle-vector-motion-plan avs :ctype ctype :move-arm :rarm :total-time tms
:start-offset-time (if start-offset-time start-offset-time start-time)
:clear-velocities clear-velocities args)))

(defun gen3-lite-init (&optional (create-viewer))
(unless (boundp '*gen3-lite*) (gen3-lite) (send *gen3-lite* :reset-pose))
(unless (ros::ok) (ros::roseus "gen3_lite_eus_interface"))
(unless (boundp '*co*)
(ros::ros-warn ";; collision-object-publisher wait for \"my_gen3_lite/apply_planning_scene\" service for ~A sec~%" 5)
(if (ros::wait-for-service "my_gen3_lite/apply_planning_scene" 5)
(setq *co* (instance collision-object-publisher
:service-name "my_gen3_lite/apply_planning_scene"
:scene-service "my_gen3_lite/get_planning_scene"))
(ros::ros-warn ";; could not find \"my_gen3_lite/apply_planning_scene\" skip creating *co*~%")))
(unless (boundp '*ri*) (setq *ri* (instance gen3-lite-interface :init)))

(send *ri* :spin-once)

(when create-viewer (objects (list *gen3-lite*)))

(defclass gen3-lite-moveit-environment
:super moveit-environment)
(defmethod gen3-lite-moveit-environment
(:init (&key ((:robot rb) *gen3-lite*) &rest args)
(send-super* :init
:robot rb
:frame-id "base_link"
:scene-service "my_gen3_lite/get_planning_scene"
:planning-service "my_gen3_lite/plan_kinematic_path"
:execute-service "my_gen3_lite/execute_kinematic_path"
:query-planner-interface-service "my_gen3_lite/query_planner_interface"
:planning-scene-world "my_gen3_lite/planning_scene_world"
:state-validity-service "my_gen3_lite/check_state_validity"
(:default-configuration ()
(list (list :rarm
(cons :group-name "arm")
(cons :target-link
(send self :search-link-from-name "end_effector_link"))
(cons :joint-list (send robot :arm :joint-list)))))
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions jsk_kinova_robot/kinovaeus/package.xml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,10 +16,12 @@


Expand Down

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