This project is currently in alpha. The API should be considered unstable and likely to change.
The Tulip Exchange API is a gRPC API for interacting with the Tulip Exchange backend. Use it to place and cancel orders, monitor the orderbook, stream trades and any other interactions. The API is defined in a set of protobuf files that are used to generate language specific stubs. In addition to these stubs, the Tulip Exchange Client Library also contains some helper functions to aid authentication.
- Getting started
- Public API Reference documentation
- Private API Reference documentation
- Tulip Exchange API Authentication
- Install Bazel
- Install JDK 8 or higher (required for running the Java examples)
- Install Python 2 (required for running the Python examples)
- Run an example with
bazel run examples/<lang>/<example>
Your language not supported? Submit a feature request or compile the bindings for your language by yourself.
Include this project as an external dependency in your WORKSPACE
load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:git.bzl", "git_repository")
name = "nl_tulipsolutions_tecl",
commit = "<commit ID>",
remote = "",
Depend on the API parts that you need in your build files, for example:
name = "lib",
srcs = glob(["*.java"]),
deps = ["@nl_tulipsolutions_tecl//tulipsolutions/api/priv:order_jvm_grpc"],
An alternative to using Bazel is to compile stubs in your language direct from the protobuf definitions. contains a list of officially supported languages. Visit our getting started from source page, select your preferred language and follow the tutorial.