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Inverse streamflow routing (ISR) uses a flow direction map and time series of discharge measurements at points along the river to estimate runoff throughout the river basin.
Requires GDAL and the R packages gstat and CoSMoS. Requires MATLAB mapping toolbox
Scripts: Workflows for ISR Functions: Main and secondary functions for performing ISR and evaluating the results.
Pan, M., & Wood, E. F. (2013). Inverse streamflow routing. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 17(11), 4577–4588.
Fisher, C. K., Pan, M., & Wood, E. F. (2020). Spatiotemporal assimilation-interpolation of discharge records through inverse streamflow routing. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 24(1), 293–305.
Yang, Y., Lin, P., Fisher, C. K., Turmon, M., Hobbs, J., Emery, C. M., … Pan, M. (2019). Enhancing SWOT discharge assimilation through spatiotemporal correlations. Remote Sensing of Environment, 234(September), 111450.
Fisher et al., 2021, HESS