A package to provide plug-in for Livox Series LiDAR.
- ROS(=Kinectic)
- Gazebo (= 9.x, http://gazebosim.org/)
- Ubuntu(=18.04)
- Install
- avia
- mid40
- mid70
- tele
- horizon
Note that the published point cloud message is sensor_msg/PointCloud in main branch. If you want to obtain snesor_msg/PointCloud2 message, you can checkout to "PointCloud2-ver" branch.
Before you write your urdf file by using this plugin, catkin_make/catkin build is needed.
A simple demo is shown in livox_simulation.launch
roslauch livox_laser_simulation livox_simulation.launch
to see.
We can choose the lidar model by selecting different CSV file in scan_mode dir from changing the launch file:
- avia.csv
- horizon.csv
- mid40.csv
- mid70.csv
- tele.csv
- laser_min_range: 0.1 // min detection range
- laser_max_range: 200.0 // max detection range
- horizontal_fov: 70.4 //°
- vertical_fov: 77.2 //°
- ros_topic: scan // topic in ros
- samples: 24000 // number of points in each scan loop
- downsample: 1 // we can increment this para to decrease the consumption