- Values take the function declaration value_type in the ast for some reason
- Standard functions like println and print need to be thought and done about
- Remove hard coded standard functions
- Parser must make sure expression value_type is same as the variable value_type - 1: doesnt check if given arguments to function are same type as the ones set in the function declarataion
- Convert strings to int, float
- String concatination
- Global variables, variables in top scope
- Tables, Lists
- Requiring other files, libraries: standard
Tokenize, parse, generate this zelkel file and combine them: maybe combine the zelkel code into one and compile that
no ending ("std"): a standard, bundled library, library in a main directory
with ending ("lib.zk"): user defined library, can have path and stuff
require "stdlib/io" as *;
- println("hi");
require "stdlib/io" as io;
- io.println("hi");
- Rewrite in itself
- Make sure every function has a return and it's value should be same type as function declaration return type
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