Google made an Androidified version (first appeared in Google Now) Swipe to Refresh. but it only support pull down to fresh, in fact many cases we need swipe up to load more, so we made some changes to let it support swipe up to load more.
SwipeRefreshLayout that support pull down or up to refresh/load based on android 4.4 version 19 SwipeRefreshLayout framework. SwipeRefreshLayoutUpDown.Android4.4APIV20 contain version 19 modified source code, it support up and down. Code based on , source code in directory /SwipeRefreshLayoutUpDown.Android4.4APIV20 Android 5 api version 21 support up and down, but circle only shows at the top, source code and sample in directory /SwipeRefreshLayoutUpDown.
orinal code based on Android SwipeRefreshLayout and modificaiton based on
Android 5 API Version 21 is in beta stage, it support up and down, but circle only shows at the top.