Bug Fixes
dark theme being unset after toggling theme settings (06da8b9 )
jira issue urls being wrong sometimes (67fb8bf )
jira requests being made event though the configuration is invalid (31b0bc1 )
keyboard shortcuts from firing when editing text (9a9ae61 )
only check for tasks updates if jira is enabled (e8e9c73 )
original link icon wrongly aligned (13cc557 )
add a way to configure transition handling initially (6548fb4 )
add animation utility classes and use them (1bceb9c )
add dark theme for new task list styles (902fd7e )
add idle time tracking for extension (49f4bde )
add login toast if authentication fails (6534f7d )
add mark as done button again (dffe15d )
add neat progress bar when syncing to google drive (219b762 )
add notification for successful login (c20d9a8 )
add notification to extension interface (190f41e )
add possibility to hide task list controls (c55b65b )
add user select none to several ui items (7b6ea97 )
beautification (def56f2 )
beautification (1b21001 )
beautify settings and fix clickable area for extendable (627a433 )
don't hide collapse/expand button as it is an important indicator (6696c0b )
give pomodoro settings their own panel (f4b0899 )
improve google api handling (b0e1a8d )
improve google auth behaviour (394f59a )
improve pomodoro messages (04a9325 )
make all settings expandables (a0b2c90 )
make app much more responsive by using template cache (0374f5a )
make issue transitioning optional (c49601d )
make settings a bit more compact (0c1c608 )
only show extension notification once (c417f1d )
optionally block finish day until time sheet is exported (e479b29 )
organize jira options better (93d194e )
restyle task list (4fcf15e )
save to ls directly after sync to google drive to minify the risk of conflicting data (a032137 )
select text for edit on click (e707f8c )
show optional time worked without break (d43150d )
simply remove timer button for parent tasks if they have sub tasks (c8103c2 )
smoth out help icon animation (277ef51 )
smoth out some more (77dad29 )
smothen up animations once more (9c00f56 )
stop pomodoro timer if button is disabled (d557819 )
styling adjustments for settings (d843008 )
update chrome extension link (3fa0d8e )
update pomodoro focus jira icon (e35adae )
You can’t perform that action at this time.