Play a live demo here:
C# Class Library version here:
This simple demo game is used to teach basic concepts around building Azure Functions with node.js.
It also provides a fun an interactive way to show Azure Functions in use.
The following concepts are covered through this demo:
- Function Triggers
- Function Input & Output Bindings
- Reverse Proxies
- Serving Static Content via Proxy
- Debugging using VS Code
- Application Insights
From the home page (index.html) the presenter creates two Teams. For example. Team A and Team B.
Upon submitting these teams a new "Game" is created.
The presenter then instructions players to visit play.html. They will see two buttons, one for Team A and one for Team B.
- Note; in the image below the url is specifically to my personal demo of the game. You will need to replace that url with your own when deploying
The goal is to have 1/2 the room hit one button and the other half the second button as fast as they can.
Each button press is logged and displayed in real time on the home page. When one team gets far enough ahead of the other team the Functions logo will move and eventually show a winner!
Players click their team button as fast as possible
The logo animates towards the team with more clicks
Behind the scenes we are using Azure Functions with Storage Queues, Table Storage and Proxies.
- Azure Functions Documentation
- Azure Storage Explorer
- Contact me on twitter @joescars
- My Blog