This is a simple implementation of an OrderedDictionary in Swift since Apple does not provide a default implementation. It will maintain the order that objects are added. Furthermore, it is generic so that it supports any Hashable key and a value of any type. The OrderedDictionary supports very similar syntax to the standard dictionary. This means you can use subscript syntax and iterate through the dictionary using a tuple, see Example Usage for more details.
#Example Usage
var orderedDict = OrderedDictionary<String, Int>()
orderedDict["A"] = 100
orderedDict["B"] = 102
orderedDict["C"] = 103
orderedDict["A"] = nil // will remove that element from the dict
// supports tuple iteration in order of insertion
for (key, value) in orderedDict {
println("Key: \(key), Value: \(value)")
// lets you determine if a key already exists
let containsKey = orderedDict.containsKey("A")
// Allows updating without subscript syntax as well
orderedDict.updateValue(123, forKey: "B")
// Get the position of an item in your list
// Find a key at a given position