Practical project of the discipline EM423 - Strength of Materials taught by professor Fabio Mazzariol Santiciolli
The application was developed under the Octave Platform. However, it is compatible with the Matlab environment. This project was divided into three parts:
1st part of the project: Grade 10 / 10. Presentation Link
2nd part of the project: Grade 10 / 10. Presentation Link
3rd part of the project: Grade 10 / 10. Presentation Link
Bug-Fix of the Momentuns related with the 2nd part of the project: Presentation Link
Bug-Fix of the Slope and Deflection related with the 2nd part of the project: Presentation Link
Final Grade in the discipline (considering one theoretical test besides the project): 10 / 10.
José Ribeiro Neto
- RA: 176665
- Email: [email protected]
Naomi Takemoto
- RA: 184849
- Email: [email protected]
- Solve the problems (beam 1D on the x axis, forces on the x and y axis, torques on the x axis, moments on the z axis) dealt with in EM423;
- Dealing with forces (main and decomposed), torques and moments;
- Handle loads distributed over a line (polynomials);
- Determine support reactions;
- Plot the inner force diagrams;
- Receive properties (all necessary) of the material and the cross section of the beam;
- Plot the beam slope and deflection graphs;
- Plot the beam elongation and torsion angle graphs;
- Find Stresses, Main Stresses and Maximum Absolute Shear Stresses for the extreme points (positive and negative) in y and z in all cross sections of circular beams and hollow circular beams;
- For the same points, find the deformations εx, εy, εz, γxy, γyz and γzx;
- Check the safety coefficients referring to the Tresca Criterion and the von Mises Criterion.