#Methods for urban land usage classification
Recommended Practice: Land Cover Change Detection through Supervised Classification
U-Net for Semantic Segmentation on Unbalanced Aerial Imagery
New Land Use Mapping Paints a Clearer Picture of Urban Life
Mapping the maximum extents of urban green spaces in 1039 cities using dense satellite images
Integrating remote sensing and geospatial big data for urban land use mapping: A review
Machine Learning with Earth Observation Imagery. Amazon Web Srvices video
Using satellite data to monitor land-use land-cover change in North-eastern Latvia
By Global Pulse
##Land Classification Strandards:
Land Cover and Land Use of the Basic Set of Environment Statistics of the FDES 2013
Sentinel Hub is an engine for processing of petabytes of satellite data. It makes Sentinel, Landsat, and other Earth observation imagery easily accessible for browsing, visualization and analysis. . App access here: [https://apps.sentinel-hub.com/]