This script takes the smartphone wearable techonology measurements, combines the training and testing data sets into one dataframe with tidy identifiers for the subject being measure, the activity taking place, and the subject's assignment to the training or testing datasets. This combined dataframe is then used to calculate the average values of each mean and standard deviation measurement for each activity for each subject.
Be sure you have the unzipped "UCI HAR Dataset" file stored in your working directory
data <- read.table("tidy_Dataset.txt", header = TRUE)
Features are imported from "UCI HAR Dataset/features.txt". Parentheses were removed and hyphens replaced with periods because assigning the features as column names for the dataframes replaced them all with periods and made the column names difficult to read.
Activity labels were read in to serve as a dictionary for later convering the label code names to the full activity names.
Each dataset's X, y, and subject files are read in with corresponding column names from the features.txt file. The file with the primary measurements (X) is combined with y and subject files along with a new column "dataset" to denote if the data comes from the training or testing datasets (as per part 4 of the assignment).
The two dataframes are merged with rbind as there are no subjects in common between the training and testing sets.
The dataframe is subset to the three id variables ("dataset", "subject", "activity") and variables pertaining to measurement means and standard deviations using the patterns "mean|std"
The dataframe of activities saved earlier is used to replace each of the coded activity names with their corresponding full names.
The data is first melted into a tall dataframe with the three id variables ("dataset", "subject", "activity") and all other variables treated as measurement variables. The data is then recast with the model "subject+dataset+activity~data_vars" so that the mean for each activity for each subject is calculcated. Because there are no subjects belonging to both datasets, the output is the same as using the model "subject+activity~data_vars"