Releases: jmgirard/mReliability
mReliability v3.2.2
mReliability v3.2.1
Fixed bug in the calculation of expected chance agreement in mALPHAK in the case of missing data (#6)
mReliability v3.2.0
Add new mDES function for standardized mean difference effect sizes
Modify functions to allow them to be used with bootci() function
mReliability v3.1.0
Added the mCONTINGENCY function for calculating measures derived from a 2x2 contingency table
Added the mMEANERROR function for calculating measures derived from mean absolute error and root mean square error
Fixed a bug in mKAPPA that prevented it from running correctly
mReliability v3.0.0
Replaced all functions with fast vectorized versions
Added a function for calculating observed agreement
Updated specific agreement to accept a weighting scheme
Moved weighting scheme to a separate (required) function
Changed the available weighting scheme options to identity, linear, or quadratic
mReliability v2.1.1
Fixed a bug in the calculation of confidence intervals for ICC_A_k
mReliability v2.1.0
Added Aickin's alpha coefficient and the specific agreement coefficient
mReliability v2.0.0
Now includes fast and full functions for all major chance-adjusted indices.
Fast versions are for two raters assigning items to two (dichotomous) categories.
Full versions are for multiple raters, multiple categories, and any weighting scheme.
mReliability v1.0.1
Patch to add the following functionality:
- ICC functions now remove items containing missing values (represented by NaN)
mReliability v1.0.0
This is the initial release with MATLAB functions for the following:
- Reliability Metrics for Categorical Coding Schemes
- KAPPA_G = Gwet's Agreement Coefficient
- KAPPA_Q = Free Marginal Agreement Coefficient
- Reliability Metrics for Continuous Rating Scales
- ICC_A_1 = Single Rater Agreement Intraclass Correlation Coefficient
- ICC_A_k = Average Rater Agreement Intraclass Correlation Coefficient
- ICC_C_1 = Single Rater Consistency Intraclass Correlation Coefficient
- ICC_C_k = Average Rater Consistency Intraclass Correlation Coefficient